Meeting the overlords [chapter 1] (edited a little)

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*I have updated the first paragraph of the first chapter thing of this book!*

Pov Y/n:

After being in hell for 7 months I've gotten used to hell. I've also found out that I have gotten quite popular here, I mean I have had to use my powers to survive here and there. I've been getting called 'The Marionette' they even call me an overlord, that suprised me a little bit, i know that im powerful but I do think that the other Overlords way more powerful then me.
(The is before Velvette died and got sent to hell)

One day I'm taking a stroll or float down the street, when all of a sudden everyone runs away sreaming, but this time not because of me. It was because of someone much stronger and more dangerous. The person that I'm talking about is non other than the Radio Demon him! I guess he has heard about me in the news. He comes over to chat with me, "Hello! You must be the new Overlord 'Marionette'! It's my pleasure to meet you, I'm as you probably know the Radio Demon, but you can call me Alastor."
Alastor says to me with enthusiasm. "Hello Mr. Alastor, it's great to meet you. I've heard of your radio show, and you are a very interesting demon here in hell!" I say back to him.

We were having a lovely conversation but that was ruined by an explosion in front of us, caused by non-other then Sir Pentious. "Hmmm, how rude of him to interrupt our conversation.." Alastor says slightly annoyed. Sir Pentious laughes and says, "Alastor, face me and my wrath!" Alastor does not seem pleased with him not really paying attention the what the snake demon says, he just snaps his finger and a green/black tentacle comes from the ground and picks up Sir Pentious's ship and just throws it really far away.

I'm very amazed with his strength, and that was just a fraction of his strength! "Wow, that was amazing, Alastor! You have great strength!" I complement him, while clapping. He thanks me and informs me of an overlord meeting that is coming soon. "Alright, thank you for informing me about that! Until we meet again." You say as you bow, and wave good-bye. "Good-bye my friend! Until we meet again." Alastor says back to me, then he turns into a shadow and disappears. 'That was an eventful day, I'm now friends with the Radio Demon! I wonder how things will go from now on.' You think as you start to float home, time to get some sleep!

*A few days later*

Its been a few days, since I've talk with Alastor, it's time for the meeting with Alastor and the other overlords. I get dressed for the meeting, and head out. When walking I spot Alastor, seems he hasn't gotten noticed my other people yet. I decide to float over to him, and say hi. "Hello Alastor, how are you this fine morning?" I say to the deer demon, as I float around him. "Hello, friend! I'm good, how are you doing?", He says back to me. "I'm good! So, are you heading to that meeting?" I asked him. "Yes! Do you want to come along with me?" He said back to me, I resonded by saying "Sure I'll go with you, sense I don't know where the meeting is going to be held." He nods and then we walk to the meeting place, while making small talk along the way.

When we were walking there, Alastor told me somethings about the Overlords. The person head of the meetings, is a lovely lady by the name 'Carmilla Carmine', Alastor told me that she is largely professional, and is also the top weapons dealer in Hell. He also told me about the oldest overlord 'Zestial', he is Carmilla's old friend and I think that he is interesting. He also told me about his friend Rosie, he described her as darling, delightful, and as well very powerful. "She seems very nice and interesting!" I say to Alastor. He nods at my comment, and we continue to walk there.

When we get there, we go up the elevator. I look around a bit, and see other Overlords greeting each other. I then I follow Alastor to the meeting room, we get in there and we go to sit down. I'm not sure where to sit, so I ask Alastor if i can sit next to him and he says yes. So I sit down and wait for the meeting to start, while waiting a beautiful lady sits next to me, and I wave at her. She waves at me back, then she introduced herself as Rosie. "It's nice to meet you Rosie!" I say to her. "It's nice to meet you too, dear!" She said back to me. As more overlords came into the room, there was a lot of power in this one room.

The meeting started when Carmilla came into the room. She walks to the front of the room, "Hello Overlords, we are here not only to great and welcome our newest fellow Overlord 'The Marionette', but to discuss some important things regarding Hell." Carmilla says as she looks at me then at the other Overlords. "Marionette, do you want to introduce yourself?" Carmilla asks me. I nod and say yes to her question, she tells me to come to the front, I do that and then I say, "Hello, it's nice to meet you all! As you all know I'm the Marionette, but you'll can call me Y/n.", as I bow a little bit. They all nod to me. Then, I sat back down in my seat, and the meeting continued.


Thank you for reading this! Have a good day or night! :D

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