Radio Killed the Video Star (Chapter 6)

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Sorry for taking so very long, I think I have writers block. Also my mental health is going down the drain. So just please be patient for the other chapters. Again sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy this shit chapter, it's not my best. Also, thank you all for more than 5k reads! Sorry if at first it doesn't make sense, I'm not that good at writing anymore that much, but I'm trying.

Update from the writer- I hate my life, and I hate me too. 😎✨

POV: Y/n

I wake up as the music from my music box stops, it opens up and I peek out, then stand up and stretch a bit. I change my clothes into my regular ones, while I do so, I think about the extermination and that its coming half the time it nomally does, but I'm not going to worry about that right now.

When I finished getting dressed, I go out my room and hear Jazz music playing from the balcony. I go to the balcony and see Alastor there, it was expected because he does like Jazz. I go sit next to him and say, "Good morning, Alastor." He looks over to me after sipping his coffee, "Good morning, my friend!", he says to me.

"How are you doing this morning, Al?", I ask him. He responds by saying, "I'm going just fine, my friend! What about you, how are you doing this morning?", "I'm doing just fine, dear!", I say to him, he raises his eyebrow when I call him 'dear', I then say, "Ah, sorry Alastor, it's a habit of mine to call others 'dear'.", he nods understandingly and then says, "It's fine, my friend! You can call me that if you want."

"Alright, dear. Thank you.", I say and smile at him. Alastor responses to me by saying, "Of course, my friend!".

After a while of talking to each other, Sir Pentious arrives and blows up the hotel wall.

"Show yourself, Alastor!", Sir Pentious says as he looks at the newly exploded wall, "Come and face—", Sir Pentious then looks at the balcony where me and Alastor are talking (or were talking), he continues saying, "Oh, there you are.. And the Marionette.. oh well.. Face my wrath!"

Alastor sips his coffee and smirks then says, "Who are you~?", I chuckles a bit and sit back and watch the show in front of me with a smirk. "Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of des~truction, villain extraordinaire!", Sir Pentious says, one of his egg bois cheer him on.

Alastor teleports to the ground and I float down after him and stand next to him. Niffty pops up on Alastors shoulder and says, "Ooh, he's a bad boy..", Alastor picks her up and I take her from him and I hold her. "Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you.", Alastor says to Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious responds by saying, "I literally attacked you last week..", Alastor tilts his head and cocks an eyebrow. "We've done battles, like.. 20 times..", Sir Pentious adds on, Alastor then says, "Well, you must have been really bad at this.."

"Silence!", Sir Pentious yells at Alastor, "Now cower! For when I've sslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal!" Nifty perks up at this and crawls up onto my head and says, "Ooh! Wait- who are the Vees?", "Oh, nobody important." Alastor answers her and grabs her off my head and gives her back to me and I take her back, I hold her like a child (even though I know her age), she is quite used to me holding her like this, even though she hates it, I've done it enough that she just doesn't care anymore.

Timeskip to where Alastor is beating Sir Pentious

"Arrgh! Oh! Please, stop!" Sir Pentious screams, Charlie tries to stop him by saying, "Um.. Alastor! I think he's had enough..", Angel then refutes her by saying, "Nah, I think he's got a few more hits in him..!" While there talking Alastor is chuckling like a maniac and I watch while chuckling with him, "Hah! This doesn't get old, does it, dear!" I say to Alastor, he responds by saying, "Not at all, my friend! Hah!"

Sir Penitous falls out of his ship, sky thing, (I don't know what it's called), and falls onto the ground in front of Alastor, Alastor says to him, "Thanks for another forgettable experience!" Sir Pentious then says, "T-thank you.. for letting your guard down! Haha!" He rips a piece of Alastors coat off and my jaw drops with a gasp, Sir Pentious then says, "Oh.. shit.." Alastors then explodes Sir Pentious away with a green explosion and he goes flying and I pick up my jaw and look in amazement as Sir Pentious flys off. Then I look back at Alastor.

Alastor turns back to the others and says, "Well, it looks like I need a trip to the tailors!", he turns away, "Best of luck chumps!" Charlie is quick to stop him and says, "Wait, Alastor!", Alastor turns back around and hums, "Hm~? What?" Charlie says back, "We need help!", she gestures to the broken wall, Angel speaks up as well, "Smiles, we need a wall.", he gestures to the wall too.

"Ah- yes, I suppose I can call in some help! Can't have my new found entertainment go up in flames, now can we~?" Alastor says back to them and snaps his fingers and the shadow like demon things appear and Alastor walks away to the tailors to get his coat fixed and I wave to him and go back into the hotel, still holding Niffty, I hear Angel flirt with one of the shadow things that Alastor summoned and I shake my head in disappointment and sighs and I put Niffty down and she runs away to go clean.


Thank you all for waiting so patiently! Sorry if this is worse then to other chapters! But I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope you all have a good day or night! Love you all and see you all in the next chapter.

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