Overture (Chapter 5.5)

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Hey, everyone! I'm so sorry for the long ass wait! I haven't really been motivated that much. There might be some slow updates to this story, from this point on.

Anyways! I have a question! If there was a ship in this story thing, what would yall like as the ship? The ship would be like Y/n x any character.

The thing about that is that I wont ship Y/n with like Charlie because shes dating Vaggie, and I wont ship Y/n with Sir Pentious because he has a crush on Cherri Bomb. Or if you all dont want a ship in this story that is ok! <3

Warning's for this chapter- Strong language, sexual things, Angel dust being Angel Dust.

Now with that question out of the way lets begin the chapter!

Pov Y/n:

After a while after Charlie left the hotel, Vaggie told us all to sit down in the 'Living room', when we are all there she says, "Okay, so Charlie is dealing with something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial. One that represents hee vision and what we're doing here... So, we need a camera. Alastor?" She then holds out her hand, Alastor snaps his fingers and a camera appears in Vaggie's hand.

"A video camera." She says to him, "Hmm." Alastor hums at her, not looking amused. I almost laugh, but I keep myself composed. Then he snaps is fingers again and a busted up video camera takes the place of the regular camera. "Alright, let's do this!", Vaggie says happily.

We get ready for the first shooting of the new commercial, me, Husker, and Angel are sitting at the bar, I was sitting two seats away from Angel, Me and Husk had the script in our hands because we we're about to memorize all of that. Vaggie started up the camera and said, "And.. action!", "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, can I help you with anything?", Husker said facing Angel, Angel reply's by saying his line, but he said it suggestively, "I've been a bad boy, and I need big, strong daddy to put me in my place... On the path to redemption." He ended up on the table after saying that, I move away like an inch.

Husker then says his line, "Ugh, Well you come-," "Oh, yes!", Angel interrupted him. "..To the right place.", Husker finished his line. Vaggie cuts the camera saying, "Cut! Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny if possible. And Husk, can you maybe not have a script in front of your face? You too Y/n.", Husk responds by saying, "I ain't no actor, I can't memorize this shit.", "Hey, I don't feel like memorizing all this.", "Well, we could inprov this shit. Baby cakes. Rawrrr.", Angel said to Husker, in response Husk shoves Angel off the table, "Whoops." He said then he pull out a bottle of beer out of the bar, and started drinking it. Vaggie then says, "Husk, come on."

Time skip to Niffty's part-

"Hehehe. Stab stab stab!" Niffty says as she tries to kill a hell-bug. "Alright, Niffty. Niffty? Niffty!", Vaggie says as she stops Niffty from killing the bug, "Your line is "We have the cleanest rooms." Okay?" Niffty responds to her by saying, "Got it. I'm ready!" "Action!" Vaggie says as she starts up the camera again. Niffty looks like she is ready to say her line, then her expression goes blank. Me, Vaggie, and Angel look concerned at her. "Uhh.. Cut.." Vaggie says. "How was that?" Niffty asks Vaggie, Vaggie responds to her and says, "Well Niffty, you actually have to say the line. So let's roll again." Niffty looks shocked for a second, then she goes back to her happy self, "Okay!", she says to Vaggie.

"Action." Vaggie says, Niffty goes blank again. "You're doing great, Vagina!" Angel whispers to Vaggie, I snort. "Cut!" Vaggie says, agitated, "Alright, uh, maybe we can try to fix it in post.", "Do you even know what that means?", me and Angel ask at the same time. "I'll figure it out!", Vaggie snaps at us, I don't budge, but Angel backs away a bit.

After a bit more of trying to record the commercial, Vaggie is now looking over the footage, but all of the footage is static. I am standing to the side of her, "Wow, things aren't going well, huh!", I say to her as I look at the screen. "Y/n, I know that you don't have to say anything!" Vaggie tells me angrily. She then groans, and that is when Alastor appeared in the room, he then says, "Seem like you're having some trouble here, hmm?", Vaggie then says, "Ugh, este pendejo.. Why are you even here?", "For the entertainment! I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful, only to fail spectacularly! Like you are doing now, good job!", Alastor tells her when he sat down on the couch beside Vaggie, I sat down next to him.

Vaggie then stands up and points the camera at Alastor, and said, "And here is Alastor, the egocentric piece of shit, that-", the camera then glitches out and Vaggie drops it, "Agh!"Alastor then says, "I wouldn't try that my dear. This face was made for radio.", his eyes turn into radio symbols, and the radio sound in his voice gets louder, and the surroundings get more glitched out. Vaggie gets more angry and says, "That's it! I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. Because it would be so 'entertaining', to watch over a hotel that has no one in it will it, shitass?", "Fair enough. I'll tell you what!" He says as he walks to her, "Let's make a deal."

"Pfft, do you think I'm stupid enough to make a deal with a demon like you?", Vaggie said to Alastor, Alastor replied by saying, "Not for your soul! Just a simple deal! I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with the frivolous television technology ever again." Vaggie thinks about it, then Alastor speaks up again, " Or Charlie can come back to absolutely nothing! Your choice!"

"Ugh, fine." Vaggie says then she picks up the camera and hands it to Alastor. "Now then!", Alastor claps his hands and the camera disappears, then he snaps snaps his fingers and the room changes and everyone's outfits change, my outfit was updated from the one before (Y'all can choice what it looks like.) Vaggie smiles and says, "Let's make this commercial!"

After we are done and Charlie gets back, Vaggie brings her to the couch. "Alastor pulled some strings, and it's about to air!", "I pulled a few limbs too. Hahaha!", Alastor said, I giggled at him. Charlie then says, "Wait, you all made a new commercial?", "It was one of my better performances, if I do say so myself." Angel says to her. "That's amazing, guys!" Charlie says as she starts to cry. Angel interrupts her and says, "Shush! It's startin'!"

The commercial comes on just to be changed to 666 news, everyone except for me, Alastor, Niffty, and Husk were all kind of pissed. "Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy, that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means, Tom?" Katie Killjoy says, Tom Trench replies by saying, "No, what does that mean, Katie?", Katie replies by saying, "It means that we are all royally fucked!" The camera pans to the hour glass number going down to 176 days until next extermination, and you can hear pretty much everyone in hell screaming. "Wait... What? Why?!" Angel says freaked out. Everyone looks shocked excepted for me, Alastor, and Niffty. I was a bit shocked by the news too, but didn't reacted. "Wow, that is unexpected, for sure!", I say to no one in particular, Vaggie then says, "Now, is not the time Y/n.", I nod at her.


Hey everyone! Again sorry for the long ass wait, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I promise that updates will be quicker. I just kept forgetting to write this, and school is another factor. Love you all, and I saw that we have reached 2.1k reads I'm so happy! Anyways have a good day/night!

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