Things are getting very Interesting! [Charter 3]

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Pov no one:

7 years before Hazbin hotel pilot

Y/n has noticed that Alastor has gotten quiet, he is sure that he is ok. Alastor is one of the most powerful overlords in hell. But Y/n is still a bit worried about him.

Anyways, Y/n is becoming more and more powerful with time. He is a well known though out hell, even though he is nice, but no one should mess with him.

Pov Y/n:

7 years later (time of the hazbin hotel pilot)

It has been 7 years since Alastors disappearance. Rumors have gone out about him falling from the hands of an exorcist angel, but, I doubt that happened.

The yearly extermination just ended, and everyone is fighting for new territory. I am sitting in my living room watching the news, and drinking tea.

Katie Killjoy says that the princess of hell is going to discuss her passion project. Then she yells at Tom Trench, before getting cut off my the ad. "That's quite interesting! If I do say so myself!" I say to myself.

When the ad break was over, Katie asked Charlie about her passion project, a bit aggressively, too. She tells everyone that her project is about a hotel that rehabilitates sinners, and then she ends up singing a song about her hotel.

After her little song, everyone there just laughed at her. And then she said that she already had a patron staying at the hotel, and that was Angel Dust. "He has been clean, behaved, and out of trouble for 2 weeks now!", Charlie said with a proud face.

And then Katie got some news in her earpiece, and shoved Charlie off the table. Looking back at the camera Katie says, "A new player has entered the ongoing turf war, let's go to the live feed." As a screen appeared showing that the mystery person was Angel Dust himself. "Oh sh*t.." Charlie says, while looking at the screen above her. "Oh sh*t indeed!" Katie says back. After a little bit Katie and Charlie start fighting, and it was pretty entertaining!

When the whole fiasco was done, I decide to go over there and see how things are there. I float down the streets and it's not hard to guess which hotel is Charlie's. I mean there is a sign that says 'Happy Hotel' and it's not really happy down here in hell, also it is in its own place away from to pentagram.

I go over to the door and knock to the door a few times. And the princess herself answered the door, "Hel-" she closed the door, then she opened it again "lo-" she closed it again. "That was a bit rude." I say.

Pov Charlie:

I hear a knock at the door, and open it to see the Marionette! I close the door and then opened it again, and then closed it again. "Umm guys!" I say to the others, "What's up, Charlie?" Vaggie said. "The Marionette is at the door!! What should I do??" I say fearfully. Alastor responds to me this time and says, "Well, I say we let him in!" Then Vaggie says, "Um how about you don't!" Angel Dust says, "Well, why do you keep closing the door on people?" His question goes unanswered, when I go to answer the door again.

Pov Y/n:

After sometime Charlie opens the door again. "Hello, princess! May I come in?" I say to her. "Yes, you can." She responds, then she moves away from to door, and I go inside. I see a familiar face, "Alastor! Where were you? It's been 7 years, Al!" I say as I go over to him and hug him. He hugs back, and says, "That is a story for another time, Y/n! And it's good to see you again!", I break the hug, and the other people that were in the room were suprised excepted for two people.

"You know smiles?", Angel Dust asks me. "Do you mean Alastor? If so, of course I do! We've been friends for forever!" I responded. "Hi, Husker and Niffty!" I say to the feline and girly while waving, they wave back.

"So, Y/n why are you hear?" Alastor asks me. I answer by saying, "Well, I was interested! And that fight was sure entertaining, Charlie!". "Um, thank you?" She says back to me.

After a while, I got familiar with everyone. I got along with everyone, but Vaggie and Angel Dust. Angel Dust just keeps flirting with me and I don't like it. So, for now I'm just going to not hang out with him, that much. And Vaggie, she just doesn't trust me, but that is under standable, because I am a overlord after all.

"Well, my friends this is going to be very entertaining!", Alastor says while pulling Charlie and Vaggie to him, but then stopping. He holds out is hand creating a ball of fire and throwing it up, and pushes Vaggie away. When it comes back down his outfit changes. Then he starts singing.

When he is singing my outfit is changed into a suit and tie. At the end of his song the door is blasted open. Then the door hits Niffty, head on. 'She's going to be fine!' I thought. I go to check out what caused the damage, I'm not surprised, it was Sir Pentious. Alastor takes care of him quickly, the others looked shocked, I giggled at the looks on there faces.

"Well, I'm staved, who wants some jambalaya?! My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her!" Alastor said as he started to walk back to the hotel joking and laughing on the way. I follow him, and giggled at his jokes. Then, the sign on the roof changed to 'Hazbin Hotel'.

Thank you for reading! As yall can see I had a lot of motivation for this chapter! Anyways, I hope yall liked this chapter, I hope yall have a good day or night.

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