Welcome to Chenyu Vale

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Freminets POV

We had finished packing our stuff early so we were able to leave home. We weren't meant to leave yet. I felt homesick on the way to Liyue already. I didn't want to leave.

I don't quite understand why we're going on a "vacation" anyway, Lyney says 'Father' wanted us to but I don't believe him. The drive with the aquabus felt really long but I didn't mind it, I enjoyed it to be honest. I like long drives, they're very peaceful and mostly I can watch the sea while I'm going somewhere. The drive itself helps me feel a bit better and to be less anxious about going to a new place usually, but this time I still felt just as anxious when we arrived in Chenyu Vale which was our stop for the night.

A new place means to meet new people who I have to talk to. I don't like talking to people, I never know what to say to them but if I stay in my comfortable silence most people assume I don't listen to them. Atleast I think so, they give me this weird, annoyed stare which I don't understand so I can only assume what it means.

I feel like people never really bother to try and understand me, so I don't try to approach them to avoid any conflict. Lynette always tells me that it's okay to be quiet, Lyney tells me the same and that one day I will find someone who will accept me for being myself.

I wanted to believe them, I really did. I must've been thinking about our day and how I felt throughout it for a bit bit too long because someone waved a magic card in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts: "C'mon Fremi, we're gonna go check out the hotel!"

As he hid the card back in his sleeve, Lyney smiled his typical Lyney-Smile at me and pointed to the hotel. He always does this smile on stage too. I sometimes feel like it's fake and he just smiles like this so he doesn't seem upset, angry or scared. But I can tell he is sometimes. Since we argued about this once, I decided not to bring it up again.

To me the hotel didn't seem very special or interesting. I'd much rather look around to see what this place has to offer and if there's a lake or a river somewhere around here where I can look for some shells or other things to collect.

"Why don't you go inside without me? I'd rather go for a walk to.. clear my head.", I said.

Lyney likely wanted to say something but Lynette grabbed his arm and just pulled him away, nodding at me lightly and leaving me alone in front of the hotel. I know Lyney wants what's best for me, which is to settle in with this place where I'm gonna have to sleep for the night but I didn't want to, not right now.

I checked my surroundings first. Nothing here seemed like home, all I could see was a few trees and bushes and some little flowers growing between them. To calm myself down, I decided to count them.

Lyney taught me this once when I was having a meltdown, he told me he also does this before going or while being on stage to calm down. Check your surroundings. Name 5 things you can see, hear, touch, smell or count the amount of people in the crowd, in my case I luckily didn't have a crowd but a few flowers.

13. 14. 15. 16. I kept counting the flowers while taking deep breaths. 'It's fine, I'm fine, everything is perfectly fine, there's nothing to worry about.' I kept telling myself. While looking around I noticed a small crowd gathered not too far away from me.

Guess I was wrong and I indeed had a crowd, well, hopefully not me but someone who's performing out here. Maybe it was a street magician, there are quite a lot of them back at home. I took another deep breath and slowly walked towards the crowd. Hopefully nobody would try to talk to me.

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