Sunlight through the sorrow

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3rd Person POV

After an eventful afternoon with the two boys trying to figure out what to do about their conflict, the night finally came over Liyue Harbor and with it, a calming peace of being able to finally rest. No, not everything had been fully thought through, yet both had a conversation they needed to have to solve the issue. It felt like fog, laying all over the Nation, a feeling of knowing these unspoken words and feelings had to be said before their goodbye.

Finally, the morning came. It had felt like the night passed slowly with the heavy rain and wind which were now nowhere to be found. The sun had woken up from its sleep behind the rainclouds and really tried to make up for its absence by lighting the sky up in a beautiful way with every color that it could give.

Of course the beautiful morning could've been used for other things and should've been appreciated but there was no time for it. Atleast for one of the two.

Freminets POV

I hadn't slept a lot during the night, the pain in my hands and the thoughts of what I had talked about with the twins had kept me awake. The sun seemed to finally crawl back from the horizon, it looked beautiful but this just meant I would need to have a conversation I wasn't fully ready to have yet.

Carefully I got out of bed which was difficult given my hands still hurt a bit. They had healed a little and the pain wasn't as stinging anymore so now I could atleast sort of move my hands a little bit, just about enough to get ready for the day. I decided to take a shower, I hadn't done that ever since we got here a few days ago but I really needed one now to feel atleast a little bit closer to the ocean. And to feel clean, I couldn't go have a serious talk when I looked even worse than usual.

My hair was still wet when I left t bathroom after my shower. It was too difficult to dry my hair properly. Luckily the twins had seemed to woken up, atleast I saw Lynette with a morning cup of tea in her pyjama and her hair still pointing in various directions. "Good morning, Fremi.", she took another sip of her tea and looked at my hair, "Do you want me to help you?" I usually would mind, but Lynette also had to put new bandages on my hands so I might as well accept this now.
"Yes, if it doesn't bother you too much.." Unbothered as always, Lynette took a long sip from her tea cup and then placed it on her nightstand before going back to the bathroom with me.

"Well, I hope that I can make this work without a mirror.", Lynette said and grabbed the blow dryer from the cupboard. I just nodded. we usually didn't speak too much since Lynette was mostly in 'Idle Mode' when we were home. It felt refreshing to spend time with her for once, usually she was the one who helped me a little when Lyney was being too concerned about something happening to me. "What is it that you love about Gaming?", Lynette asked while drying my hair. Typical for her, Lyney would've asked me who I liked and Lynette just wants to know why, she doesn't really care who it is as long as they have a good impression on her.

The opportunity to talk about Gaming would probably not come back so soon so I gladly took it: "Well.. he's very much the opposite of me.. which you might think is bad but to me that's just perfect. He always has a cool story or something about Liyue and its scenery, it's never quiet really. Apart from that he sort of.. makes me feel like despite my lack of communication skills I'm still as important to him as a person who would be able to talk properly. I think that's it. He makes me feel appreciated in a way that.. I didn't know from anyone but you and Lyney.." I felt a little bit stupid now because in most movies or love stories people fall in love because of someone's personality. Yes, that was also the case for me but this was what made him so different from everyone else. This was why I had to fix this as soon as I could.

"Well, I hope you can fix things with him. Lyney did tell you some things you could do but personally I disagree with most of them. You should tell him how you feel and also the truth about us so if he does love you back, he truly knows who the person that he loves is and if it bothers him he can always leave. But I sincerely hope he won't, he seemed like a nice boy.", Lynette replied. Her voice seemed as calm and unbothered as always but this was just her way of wishing me luck and giving me advice. Without Lyney. She had her own opinions which were mostly correct and realistic, I always appreciated when Lynette gave ne advice and this time it wasn't different.

"Yes, you're probably right. I'll tell him the truth this time. The whole truth without any lies."

Have some more Lynette content since you guys seem to love her a lot. (I do too, she's just carrying this story from the background) For those who didn't read my comment in the last chapter, would you guys be interested if I did a Q&A once this story reaches 5k reads?? If so then feel free to ask me anything ^_^

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