Movie Night

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3rd Person POV

For a few more hours, Freminet and Gaming played Uno and some other games. Most of the rounds were won by Freminet which clearly made him happy as Gaming could tell. He at first complained about Freminet being an unfair player but by the end of their games he was just happy to watch Freminet be happy about every little victory.

The rain outside kept pouring and occasionally the sky would rumble with thunder but it wasn't enough to keep the two from playing card games until the evening which was when Lyney and Lynette returned.

"Man, going outside really was a dumb idea, Fremi why didn't you just invite us to play cards with you?", Lyney complained. Lynette walked in behind him, tea in hand, expressionless as always. She took a sip of her tea before saying something as well: "Disabling chat mode. Entering standby." With that the conversation was clearly over for her. Lyney led out a long sigh and put his umbrella away before letting himself fall face forward onto his bed.

"Well I should probably get going then, it was nice to hangout with you though!", Gaming said and started to gather the card games together to put them in the bag he had brought. Almost as if the universe didn't want him to, a loud thunderbolt echoed over to the hotel from somewhere in the background.

"Well unless you have someone who waits for you to get home you could also stay here with us and we could all watch a..", Lyney started as he slowly got up from laying on his face. Then he thought for a second before adding: "Actually.. we happen to have a TV in here in case you didn't notice, you and Fremi could watch a movie together and maybe once it's over so is the bad weather." He suggested with a polite smile as he got up from his bed again. The smile worked its magic on Gaming who seemed excited unlike Freminet who just facepalmed in response. Really, did Lyney always have to do this?

"Well.. any ideas?", Freminet asked and first looked at Lyney, then at Gaming. Lyney shrugged: "Not really, we don't have any DVD's anyway so you'll have to watch whatever's on right now, don't stay up too long though!" With that he left the hotel room again to get dinner. Freminet walked over to his bed and sat on it. Gaming followed carefully, unsure if he should sit with Freminet or not since there wasn't much space.

"He always does this, I'm sorry.", Freminet apologized. Gaming, who wasn't even sure what exactly Freminet was apologizing for, just shrugged it off with a smile: "Don't worry! Also you shouldn't be apologizing for someone else's behavior, it's not your fault." Freminet looked over to the window. It was still raining. "Yeah you're probably right. Sorry.", he quietly said. Gaming crossed his arms: "Hey stop saying the S-word, I'm not gonna bite your hand off if you don't you know!"

Freminet reached for the TV remote on the nightstand next to the bed. Once he managed to grab it, he turned the TV on. For him the conversation was over. "Fine I give up if you don't want to talk about that now. What do you wanna watch?", Gaming said and finally sat down next to Freminet on the bed. "Hmm.. well as long as it's nothing scary I'd be fine with anything.", Freminet replied. He was lying, he'd prefer to watch one of those fairytale movies which all have a happy ending with a hero and true love. Gaming thought for a bit, then he snatched the remote from Freminet and put in a channel number.

To Freminet's surprise, it was indeed the sort of movie he had wanted to watch. His eyes lit up with joy. Gaming noticed and smiled: "So you like these huh? Well I sort of guessed so and since it's late and you're already not feeling too well I thought something like this would be the best idea..." he stopped in the sentence before he added: "I love seeing how happy stuff you like makes you. Your eyes always seem to glow in this beautiful way whenever we talk about it.. not saying your eyes aren't beautiful already though!"

Gamings POV

Archons why do I always say this kind of stuff around him? I can't even talk myself out of it anymore because I just want to tell him how wonderful he is to me without it being a 'joke'. I don't want it to be a joke. What is going on with me exactly? We hadn't been watching the movie for too long but it felt long because of the awkward silence. The more I thought about it the more I came to a realization.

I'm in love with him.

The sentence crossed my mind for the very first time now. But how would that even work? Would Freminet even have a relationship with a boy? Why was I even thinking of this? No that couldn't be it, he's just a very special friend to me and nothing else.

Thoughts over thoughts came to my mind like a wave of cold water until I felt something on my shoulder. As I turned to look what it was I realized it was Freminet who had probably fallen asleep. Even with his eyes closed and while asleep he looked like the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. I wasn't sure what exactly to do now, but waking him up was not one of my options, I sort of enjoyed having Freminet closer to me. Usually he preferred to stay at a safe distance but now he seemed a bit more comfortable.

I carefully placed my arm around him just so he would stay a bit warm despite having a blanket. I wasn't sure if I was imagining things now or if he smiled just slightly now, either way he seemed very much at peace.

"Good night, Freminet."

Gaming and the eternal denial is certainly something isn't it!! Also thank you so much for 2k+ reads <33

A Loving Feeling ♡ ー (Freminet x Gaming)Where stories live. Discover now