The truth (II)

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The words echoed through Freminet's mind. This couldn't be real, how was someone like Gaming capable of loving him?

(...) ,I love you' (...) ‚in a way I could never love anyone else..'

„You're really joking at a time like this.. very funny...", he carefully responded. Gaming's expression changed a little, but he still looked Freminet in the eyes. „I'm..", he took a deep breath and carefully took Freminet's hands in his, „I'm serious. You're.. really a wonderful person and I cherish every second I spend with you even though I can't really express it because all I do is talk.. I really never shut up.. But you never cared about that, you'd always listen to me with your full attention no matter what weird stuff I would talk about or how randomly I would change the topic.. when I'm with you I never feel like I'm just talking, I feel like I'm being heard.. I understand if you don't.. you know see me that way, it'd be rather complicated since we live quite far from eachother but-„

„Shut up. I'm not letting you finish that sentence. I'm.. not who you think I am.", Freminet pulled his hands away and looked down, he couldn't face Gaming while telling him the truth. The expression change would be difficult for him to understand but at the same time very clear. „My siblings and I, we.. we don't really have the perfect family life you'd expect.. the only thing that keeps our family together is the organization we work for, though it's.. more the person who we work for and that's.. The Knave, one of the Fatui Harbingers. Those people you'd usually fight at work or who have been causing tons of problems all across Teyvat? I'm one of them. ‚Father' told us emotions would make us vulnerable and I was afraid of what was gonna happen if I told you the truth because I never had a friend like you before...", he finally got the words out after what had felt like eternity. As they left his mouth, Freminet felt tears form in his eyes.

„But.. you're wrong if you think that I don't feel the same way about you. I love you. I love you too. I was just too afraid to tell you and I didn't really understand it myself but now I do..", he confessed. As much as Freminet didn't want to, he looked back up to see Gaming's expression. As their eyes met, a feeling of warmth overcame him. Being around Gaming always did, even now in a situation like this which could be the last time they ever spoke.

„Well.. you thought I would see that as a reason to love you any less? Well that's brave of you to assume! I mean.. I do know Fatui are apparently bad people who do bad things but.. you're not like those evil Fatui who everyone makes out to be wolves in sheep's clothing. Just because most of them are evil it doesn't mean every single one is. That really doesn't have any effect at all.", Gaming smiled. A wave of relief overcame Freminet. He had been terrified of this just to now remember who he was telling this. A small smile made its way onto his face as well as he wiped his eyes.

„So.. what now.. what do people usually do after they confess their love to eachother?", Gaming asked. If it would've been possible, a big question mark would probably be right above his head now. „Well.. usually in fairytales they get married or kiss but.. the view is really pretty too right now and this isn't a fairytale.", Freminet responded and turned his head away to look at the lanterns as they ascended into the sky. Of course that wasn't the real reason, he just never kissed anybody and it felt rather awkward. „Well I don't have a ring so I can't propose to you unfortunately, but I do agree that the view is wonderful. I always loved Lantern Rite.", Gaming joined Freminet and looked at the lanterns as well.

The sun had by now fully disappeared and the moon had woken up from its slumber. Almost as if this night was enchanted with magic, the sky was clear and every last star seemed to shine in all its glory. It was truly beautiful, just like a scenery from a picture book.

As the last lanterns were lifted into the sky and passed them almost like a sign, their eyes met once again. There were still stories and secrets to uncover, despite their confessions, a thought that was still stuck in the dark corners of their minds, an unspoken truth. But right now no sadness or fear was left, the moment was simply perfect.

Freminet smiled slightly at Gaming. Finally he had managed to tell him the truth. It felt refreshing to finally be his true self with no secrets. Still he was a little unsure of what to do now.

But Gaming didn't smile back. He looked at Freminet with the little smile he had. The most beautiful smile Gaming had ever seen. What was he even thinking? Everything about Freminet was beautiful to him, his association didn't change that. Instead of smiling back he slowly leaned over to Freminet, who couldn't process what was happening. Before he could, their lips touched, just for a small time. It wasn't a long kiss, neither of them really knew how that worked, but a first kiss in a truly beautiful scenery.

Hi lol i'm not dead. I just had no fucking idea how to write a kissing scene. I'm not satisfied with the results.

A Loving Feeling ♡ ー (Freminet x Gaming)Where stories live. Discover now