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3rd Person POV

The two boys kept talking for a while, well, Gaming did most of the talking while Freminet listened, nodded and occasionally said something if he was asked a question. Neither of them noticed how much time had actually passed since their first meet until the sky's colors started to take on a darker shade and the sun started to sink into the horizon behind the mountains.

"Huh? I didn't notice that it had gotten this late already, I should probably get going or my dad's gonna start worrying about me.", Gaming noticed. Freminet looked up now as well, with the sun disappearing so did the warmth of its rays, the air was filled with a cold, sharp breeze which caused him to shiver a bit. "I guess we should go home then?", he suggested carefully, his voice shaking a bit from the cold. He didn't want to stay up here, close to the mountains, stuck in the cold and was hoping Gaming felt the same way, though it seemed like the cold didn't bother him at all.

"Yeah that's probably the smartest thing to do", he agreed, turning around from facing the mountains and the sunset to facing Freminet again. He seemed to be thinking about something while doing so since he remained silent.

The wait was taking too long, it was too cold for Freminet so he got up. He was a diver after all, cold water and temperatures were nothing to him usually and he knew that but he wanted to go back to the hotel to his siblings and enjoy some rest.

Gaming seemed to be done with thinking since he began to talk: "Okay, I know this sounds weird I mean we just met and technically asking a stranger this is weird, right? Yeah it is.. but.. If you happen to go to Liyue Harbor maybe I could show you some of my favorite places there? Same goes for Chenyu Vale of course! I promise there's some cooler places here than just a weird spot in the middle of nowhere.. But I don't mind if you'd rather just, you know, explore on your own and forget we met since our meet earlier was weird and I talk a lot and that's probably-", "Actually I'd really like that..", Freminet cut off Gamings sentence.

The cutoff surprised Gaming, he stayed silent for a few seconds to process what had just happened. "Great! Then uh.. I'll see you tomorrow?", he said, trying to keep his voice in a regular tone so it wasn't as obvious how excited he was about this. Freminet just nodded, turned around and left as quickly as he could.

Short chapter for today, please don't kill me :)

A Loving Feeling ♡ ー (Freminet x Gaming)Where stories live. Discover now