Calm before the storm

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3rd Person POV

Both of them had gotten to Liyue Harbor eventually, even if it was late noon and the sun was setting, they were both happy to finally get some rest after an exhausting day of traveling.

While Gaming was still sticking with assuming that he only ever got nervous around Freminet and started saying too much because it was caused by being unsure how to act with him, Freminet's mind filled with anxious thoughts after he realized the cause for himself. He had indeed never fallen in love with anyone because 'Father' would not allow it and Lyney had previously gone through countless scoldings for his behavior so Freminet didn't intend on going through the same process. At the same time, with the realization he wanted to understand it, he didn't understand love at all because he only ever read in books about it.

Even with all the anxious thoughts of what would happen, how people — especially his siblings — would react, how much trouble he would get in for this and everything else that came to mind, he still felt a little joy beneath the anxious feelings and thoughts. After all, it was quite understandable why he fell in love with Gaming in the first place. But then again, Gaming was likely this way to all of his friends since he did have quite a lot of friends.

Liyue Harbor was beautiful even while the sun was setting already. The preparations for Lantern Rite hadn't stopped with the coming night, in fact they had gotten even busier. Gaming had known about this of course, he also planned to perform during Lantern Rite. Of course he wouldn't perform alone but instead with the other members of his troupe, the "Mighty Mythical Beasts". Even though he was exhausted from the day and wanted to get some rest, he also wanted to practice so he could put on an amazing show for Freminet that he would never forget. Even though he still denied the truth, he knew Freminet had a special place in his heart that nobody else could ever have. That was one of the reasons why he wanted to put on a show even greater than any show he had ever performed before; he wanted it to leave a memory in Freminet's mind so he wouldn't forget him, even if he would never come back to Liyue ever again.

The thought of being alone had never really crossed his mind, after all he was never alone since he got along with people quite well and easily socialized but ever since him and Freminet met he had been wishing the day of their goodbye would never come. Gaming had many friends which was undeniable but Freminet was much more special to him.

Unaware and nowhere close to being in the same spot, they both watched the sun set and slowly dive into the big sea of Liyue Harbor for it's sleep. Both Freminet and Gaming were lost in their thoughts about eachother, trying to understand but failing since neither of them could put into words what exactly this feeling was.

The last light of the sun painted the sky in various warm colors, almost as if it had wanted to pour a lot of energy and comfort into this last sunset before the upcoming storm.

Another filler chapter sorry, i'll make something better than this i got some potentially evil plans just y'all wait ❤️

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