Lonely way home

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Gamings POV

Just as quick as he had appeared in my life, he left again. I understood him though, he looked like he was freezing to death there. I wasn't sure what to think about Freminet just yet, yes, he seemed like a very sweet person who's just very shy and doesn't talk a lot but there was something about him that made me question it a bit.

The way his eyes lit up just a little after I mentioned the penguin and the way his tone changed while talking about it didn't quite fit the abrupt change of heart and sudden silence. It seemed like he wanted to talk more but also didn't which was odd to me. I talk a lot. I don't think that's a big secret because I do so with anyone who bothers to approach me. Usually I still don't get to talk much since people end up interrupting me but he didn't do so. He sat there quietly, listening and paying attention to what I was saying even if it wasn't making much sense.

I got so lost in thinking about Freminet that I hadn't noticed how far I actually walked. I was back at the small bridge I walked past earlier today. I felt the sadness from then again, I had no reason to not be upset now. I wish I chose a different way home but here I was.

Slowly I walked to the bridge and sat down on it. I knew there was no way around a wave of sad nostalgia. The wind blew some of the old leaves from fall towards the small lake, some landed in the water while the others flew into the air where they twirled around and flew away a bit further before landing in the water as well. The air was cold but it wasn't that much of an issue to me, I had some warm clothing on. I sat there quietly staring onto the water and the leaves moving on it with every small wave the wind created. It was a beautiful sight, I just wished I could enjoy it without feeling sad.

A sudden thought crossed my mind. I hadn't really thought of the places to show Freminet yet but maybe I could show him this one? No, I thought to myself, I can't do that. I want this place to be a special place to me and nobody else. Of course that's unlikely because I sometimes see couples on dates here or tea merchants with their boats but still, that wasn't the same as bringing a friend here and explaining to him why this place was so special.

After mom passed away I swore to myself I wouldn't ever show that sadness over her loss to anyone, it just wouldn't be fair. It was nobody's fault that she passed away and I was the one who was still upset about it, nobody else should be trying to comfort me over something that was never their problem anyway. I knew that if I showed anyone this place they would see me upset and I didn't want that to happen, people shouldn't think of me like that because I want them to think of me as a cheerful and happy person. That was one thing mom had always told me, to keep my smile up and live my life happily even if she won't be here anymore. It might seem like a lot but I always did as she had asked of me. I just wished that I could talk to someone about this one day without them seeing a different version of me.

I looked up into the sky which was now even darker and some stars were slowly revealing themselves. I may be childish for this but maybe a wish on a star wasn't a bad idea. I closed my eyes and made my wish.

Dear Archons, please let me find someone who will listen to me and regardless of what I say, whether it's crying out in sadness or talking of things I love with all my heart.

Then I looked up at the stars for a few more seconds before getting up. I couldn't stay here for too long, Dad would start to worry about me and I needed to get some rest for tomorrow, guiding Freminet through Chenyu Vale awake will probably make a better impression than doing so while half asleep and extremely tired because when I'm tired I start saying very random things and my whole behavior changes a lot. If he would experience that he'd probably not want to hangout with me ever again.

But I didn't want to leave without a goodbye to the one person who had shown me this enchanting place.

"Goodbye Mom. I'll come and visit you again tomorrow, I promise."

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