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I still tried to process what had happened even after I had gone home. The rain had drenched my clothes but I didn't care about it at all, the cold I would probably catch wasn't important at all.

Now here I was, lying on my bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what was up with Freminet. He had never acted that way before, that was for sure. It seemed strange of him to be this mean.

Nobody in this world could tell me that this boy who loved penguins so much he even made one out of clockwork, who would, without a second thought, share his food with total strangers who barely afforded any of their own, who's eyes seemed to glow whenever he talked about the sea and everything about it was actually a coldhearted boy who faked all of that. He was bad at lying, I had noticed that, but his expression from our talk wouldn't leave my mind. First the total avoidance of looking me in the eyes, seeming like he didn't even want to do this, then the switch up to an ice cold stare with absolutely nothing I could make of it.

But maybe I really was annoying him all this time.

The thought wouldn't leave my mind even though I knew it was unlikely. But still, maybe it was the truth. After all I simply ran after him when we first met instead of taking the hint and letting him go.

What was it that made me want to be around him so badly?

I turned from my back to a different position so I could look out the window. The rain had been going like this for quite some time, perhaps it was a sign this really was the sad truth.

As I watched the rain, a sudden memory of a conversation I had with Freminet hit me.

(This is a memory from when they were in Chenyu Vale still)

"Oh not again! It's been raining for days but completely out of the blues! Totally unpredictable! C'mon let's go find somewhere to take cover!"

But he didn't move a bit. He stood there in the rain, holding one of his hands out as he spoke:

"Hydro dragon, Hydro dragon, don't cry."

"Huh? Well explain it to me but atleast let's take cover okay? I DONT WANT TO GET SICK."

He proceeded to look up into the sky as the rain kept falling. It really was beautiful. He was beautiful.

"Back at home, as a child my mother would always tell me about the Hydro Dragon which had once lived in Fontaine. It's said that when he is upset, instead of crying, it will rain until he feels better... No that sounds a bit childish I'm sorry.."

This boy who still believed in fairytales wasn't coldhearted or evil. There was no way. Whatever had happened, I had to figure it out. I had to, for his sake. All the time we spent together he seemed so happy yet unhappy, of course I knew our goodbye would hurt which was the reason I had assumed that made him so upset, but I eventually realized there was more to it. Something much deeper than just sadness. And I'd do my best to help him, even if he proceeded to push me away.

Freminets POV

The rains drops on the window of the bathroom were nowhere near as ugly as the tears in my eyes. I wish I hadn't said that but now I couldn't undo it anymore. Gaming needed to forget me which was easy, he had a lot of friends he'd find someone better easily since after all I'm nothing special. But that didn't change a thing.

The leftovers of the broken mirror still laid on the floor in front of me. Even after it broke, the reflection still looked back at me. All of this anger, I hated myself for it more than anything else. I failed to understand any emotions but my own were the most difficult. Why was I so sad? Why did this sadness turn into anger that I led out on the one person who finally accepted me for being myself?

I wanted him to come back, to talk about all his cool stories and techniques for his performances. But this wasn't right, of course forming a friendship was fine according to the rules but anything above that wasn't okay and I knew it. I couldn't risk getting in trouble but then again it was worth it for Gaming.

My hand still hurt from the slight cuts I got from breaking the mirror. The room service would probably be angry too and then Lyney and Lynette would have to pay for it. I wish they wouldn't come back to see me like this, alone in a mess that I got myself into. Sometimes I wished for my life to be easier but only sometimes. Orders were easy to follow, an easy instruction was all I needed to function properly and it was one of the few things I was good at as well.

"Just leave."

My own words hurt me. I didn't want him to actually leave but he did which was good. All will be better eventually. Even if I was sitting in the locked bathroom with a shattered mirror in front of me and a bleeding hand from the pieces that cut me because I had no idea where else to leave this out. I needed to go diving somewhere, anywhere.

The one person I had loved so much, why did I hurt him so badly?

The questions in my head were getting too loud and overwhelming with every second I spent here but I couldn't go diving without knowing where.

Gaming would've known where to find a spot.

There was no holding back my tears now, atleast nobody was there to laugh at me about it.

Gaming is a walking green flag honestly.

A Loving Feeling ♡ ー (Freminet x Gaming)Where stories live. Discover now