Chapter 5

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Sophie's Pov:

I woke up in a hospital with no memory of how I got there. Despite hearing talking nearby, my head hurt too much for me to move, so I stayed still with my eyes closed.
I felt Less looking at me like she knew I was awake. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't so I just drifted off to sleep again.
I woke up again feeling a bit better, but I didn't like being attached to all the machines. I looked up at Lessi and tried to say something but nothing came out. She looked at me and told me,' You don't have to say anything, it's alright. I've got you.'
I smiled as the doctor came in with a psychiatrist. I knew that I had to talk to them. 'Hi my name is Sarah, I'm here to talk to you about why you are in here. You gave your friends and family a big scare.' The psychiatrist told me. I nodded knowing what I did was wrong and selfish. I didn't mean to overdose, it was an accident. I looked at Sarah, and said,' I didn't mean to.'
She looked at me with an empathetic look on her face as she said, 'Didn't mean to do what? Overdose?'
I held back the tears that were forming in my eyes and nodded. Less wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug while whispering, 'I believe you and we will get through this together. I will be here for you, every step of the way.'
That was it I was now sobbing, Sarah left the room to give us some space and I cried in Lessi's arms, thankful that she was there for me.
I fell asleep in Lessi's arms. When I woke up again I was told that Sarah the psychiatrist wanted to talk to me. I let Less stay in the room because I felt like she needed to hear it too.
Sarah asked me a simple question that had a huge answer, 'how have you been lately?'
I looked at her, 'sad, angry. Last year after my last scare with drugs I was diagnosed with severe depression, and I feel like it's getting worse and the only thing that helps with it is football. I haven't been coping without it. I feel like I'm a disappointment to the Arsenal family and my blood family. I just can't seem to do anything right. I know it's my fault but it's still difficult.'
Sarah looked at me with a sad look, 'Have you been taking your meds, your ADHD meds, and your depression meds?' I nodded cause I have been, Less just doesn't know anything about it all as she left to go to America when it all happened. She looked at me with a confused look but I avoided eye contact. 'I take them every day, I just have been struggling recently with my depression, and my ADHD seems to be under control. I think it's because of my injury. It's making things worse and I can't talk to anyone because they don't know or they won't understand.' I told Sarah.

I finally look at Less who has tears in her eyes as it was probably difficult for her to hear that I've been struggling and not telling her. She looks at me with that look that always makes me cry. Sarah decided at that moment she was going to leave us to it and would check back later. Less said thank you to her then turned her attention back to me. Then she spoke,' I didn't know, why didn't you tell me? I'm always here for you and all the girls are here for you too. You can talk to any of us, how about when we get out of here we grab a takeaway then we go and speak to Jonas and see if you can talk to the therapist at the club?'
I nodded with tears falling down my face realising that I could have spoken to her and that I should have.
Later that day we left the hospital, and I had more meds for my depression but they were changing them soon, to a stronger dose. Lessi did what she promised she brought takeaway, Chinese as that was my favourite. Then we went to the club, and the rest of the girls were training, Less and I watched them for a few minutes, and then they all saw us and came running over, leaving whatever they were doing at that moment. We were all in a big group hug, and I had people talking at me from different directions telling me they were there for me if I needed them. I nodded. Less decided that we should probably go and speak to Jonas now so we left the girls as they went back to training. When we were in Jonas's office, the first thing I said was that I was sorry.
Jonas told me, 'It's fine I shouldn't have spoken to you like that either. Now what's up?'
I looked at Less as I felt like I was going to cry if I spoke anymore.
'Well, I think that Sophie should speak to the team therapist, maybe it will help her, knowing that she can always go there and just have someone to listen and give advice.'
Jonas nodded then looked at me, 'What do you think of this, is this a good idea?'
I nodded not able to say anything.
We went home and chilled for the rest of the day. We binged some TV shows and I fell asleep around 9 as we both weren't hungry because we ate around 3.

Lessi's Pov:

I am so worried about Sophie, she hasn't been opening up to anyone. It seems like it was the first time she opened up when she was in hospital.
I knew she wasn't feeling herself but I didn't realise how bad it had got until I saw her on her bedroom floor. I spoke to the girls while I was training and they all said that if any of us needed them then just let them know.
I am so thankful for the girls, I also had to let all the United girls and the rest of the lionesses what had happened as they all love her. It was difficult every time I did it, I broke down in tears. I blamed myself, even though I knew it wasn't my fault I just thought that maybe if I had listened to her before or just asked her how she was, then maybe this could have all been avoided. But could it? I shouldn't overthink things cause it will just make things worse. I snapped out of my overthinking as Leah shook my shoulder cause she could tell that something was wrong. We were meant to be getting coffee now we are just sitting here, with me overthinking. I looked at her and asked, 'Why didn't she talk to me? She knows I have gone through stuff with my mental health. I just don't understand.'
Leah looked at me with a sympathetic look, as she said, 'She probably thought that you had too much going on or that you wouldn't understand. But it doesn't matter as long as you are there for her and you tell her that you are there if she needs to talk. That's all that matters.'
We finished our coffee then I went home to make some dinner for Sophie as I would probably eat in a bit if I got hungry. I still have some problems with my eating but I am much better. Everyone seems to be proud of me.

Authors note:
Hope you liked this chapter, this one was difficult to write as I had to write about some things that I might not have if I wasn't in a bad mood. I just want to thank Julia_Gooner and lexi_991 for all the support you have given me already, and for all the advice. So thank you so much, this probably wouldn't be as good if I didn't have such great advice. :)

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