Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


It had to be an ex.

Almost twelve hours later and I was still hung up on the photos under Dom's keyboard.

I'd kept myself busy all day- which wasn't hard. I was a busy body and there was a lot to do.

I had tackled several quotations and sent them off to clients, arranged and held several online video meetings, and proofread and edited various texts that had been waiting for my attention since before the move.

I made lunch, sorted the house a bit more, and cleaned the kitchen.

I had drafted a vague proposal on what I anticipated the yoga retreat to become and possible means to generate income from hosting it on the property bi-monthly.

A late afternoon nap had happened- unplanned- in a warm patch of sunlight offered through my bedroom windows that spilled onto the lounge suite I had spread against them.

Then, it was time to feed the dog and bring him inside for the evening, as well as prepare a quick dinner for myself and GTA, and settle in my room for the remainder of the night to tackle the last bit of proofreading I needed to do.

All in all, I had a very productive day. A purposeful day.

However, through it all...


I considered it now while my laptop was propped on the couch cushion beside where I reclined with a glass of wine in my hand. The curtains were drawn over the windows, but I knew it was dark out. The sun had set about two hours ago, and the crickets were making a racket in the grass outside. On the other side of me, Trevor was curled in a tight ball. Geralt rested on the armchair, considering the dog warily. He still didn't trust this new four-legged companion, which was understandable. I wouldn't be too keen on another creature that behaved like Trevor all up in my space either.

But even now, all cosy and snug between animals that adored me in a house I loved, those pictures insisted on haunting me.

They shouldn't, but they did.

Who was she and why had Dom never spoken about her before? Unless she was an ex... but even then, why did he keep the photos under his keyboard? I'd seen him work- he spent all day at his computer. That specific place to keep something seemed special... coveted.

No, I decided, Kimmy was someone important to him.

And the dates... fifteen years ago. I wondered if she was still in his life. If she was, she hadn't been mentioned before. I'd always thought of Dom as very open and forthcoming- there wasn't much I didn't know about him.

Then again, I considered Tim. The last few days had been silent on his end- assuming the messages had indeed been from him, but I was sure of it. There was no one else in my life capable of posing a threat, and he fit the bill. That being said, I'd kept the short, train wreck of a relationship I'd had with the guy a secret, ashamed of some of the decisions I had made in order to be with him, so it stands to reason that we all have secrets.

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