Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


The girls were clearly a bit tipsy considering the amount of giggling originating from the back seat of Killian's hire.

A long, manicured finger belonging to Stella slid up her fiancé's shoulder and tickled his ear.

"Stella, I'm driving," Killian reprimanded lightly.

I stifled a snort, and the girls fell into another fit of giggles, because Killian was crawling along- at a pace that would make an elderly, nearsighted hermit with a phobia of roads proud- a gravel drive that hopefully led to their intended destination- a quaint, isolated country venue that the happy couple had eyed out for their future ceremony and reception.

Between Bray and Stels, I'm pretty sure they had put away at least an entire bottle of bubbles. At one point that morning, I wasn't even sure they had bothered with the orange juice any more.

"If you can't compose yourself, they'll probably not allow you on the property," Killian pointed out with a stern look thrown quickly over his shoulder.

Stella snorted. "Oh, please," she drawled, giggled, and snorted some more.

"If they do, you could get married at ours!" Braylee suggested with a note of excitement in her voice.

I turned my head around to study her. Slumped in her seat, she was wiping tears of amusement from the corners of her eyes with a knuckle. She looked casual and relaxed in a pair of distressed jeans and tight-fitting t-shirt, her hair swept back in an unconsciously elegant ponytail. It was good to see her so relaxed and, not for the first time that day, I was grateful that Stella and Killian had chosen to visit when they did.

"Oooh!" Stella turned to her, eyes alight with an idea.

"We need accommodations for our families, Stels," Kills reminded her gently. "Though your place is nice."

"Nice?" Stella scoffed. "It's wonderful! Romantic and intimate. It would be perfect! Lots of places for couples to sneak off to in the gardens."

"Planning on stealing your husband away before the night of the nuptials, huh?" I teased, earning another round of giggles from the backseat duo behind us.

"Noooo," Stella protested, exaggerated and not at all believable, "I would never. Other people might, though." Blatantly, she knocked Bray with her elbow.

"Ouch!" She rubbed her arm and issued Stella a frown in return for her words or her clumsy elbow-knock. "And which people would you mean by that? You and Killian are the only ones here who'd have the audacity."

"God, these two," Killian grumbled, his attention riveted on the road before him. We were passing through an arched gateway with the name of the property emblazoned in rusted metal across the top.

"You never know!" Stella rebutted in a sing-song voice, shouldering Braylee now as the car jostled from side to side. Huge, leafy trees I couldn't identify even if I wanted to flanked the drive, up a gradual incline. "Two people who've been alone in these mountains for long enough..." She then winked at me in the most unflattering way that I couldn't help snort with laughter. "... might not pass up the opportunity for a quick, private kiss."

"Wow, subtle, Stels," Braylee retorted dryly, though I couldn't help but notice how red her cheeks and ears had gotten.

I bit back a smile. It was obvious what Stella was getting at and I had to wonder if Braylee had told her what had happened the night before. I mean, I wasn't embarrassed about it. Bray was hot, I was attracted to her, and that was that. It didn't need to be made a big deal out of-

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