Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Her laughter danced along a current of a soft breeze, tracing idle patterns of mischief across the skin of my arms, leaving goosebumps in its wake. It was a lighthearted sound, imbued with a huskiness that was signature Braylee Mitchells.

For the hundredth time that afternoon, my attention drifted to her, hooked first by the sound of her laughter, and then just by her.

The property had a sectional area dedicated to outside entertainment. A wooden table and bench were situated close to a half-circle of wall made of natural stone, a part of it embedded with a small, raised section that served as a barbecue and grill area. A large tree grew over the area, leafy branches draped across and above the table to provide dappled relief from the blazing African sun.

It was at the table, under the shade, where Bray sat with my mum, sipping massive glasses of wine and sharing secrets that caused both of them to laugh shamelessly. She wore her hair up in a high ponytail, a pair of dark sunglasses covering her eyes. The dress she had slipped into was dark, short and flowy, leaving most of her legs and arms bare.

She looked like someone I could get lost in for hours.

And, not for the first time since I'd seen her, I savoured a little fantasy of her not wearing anything under that dress... how easy it would be to run fingers along the inside of her thigh and find her wet and needy for-

"Window's fixed," Bryce drawled, throwing down the tool he had been using and wiping his hands on his jeans. "That'll be a thousand bucks. Need an invoice?"

For once, I was actually grateful for the interruption as it snapped me away from ogling Braylee. I was losing my mind over the woman and it wasn't good. I levelled a frown at my brother, remnants of desire still making my skin tingle and heat unprovoked. "Really? You know, I didn't ask you to fix the window. I asked if you knew of someone who did."

He jabbed a thumb at himself. "I do. Me. What? You'd think I'd miss out on the opportunity to make a quick buck?"

I snorted. Probably should have known better, to be honest. Bryce had recently started his own construction company and business, he had said numerous times, was slow. I had no doubt though that he'd more than likely succeed, especially if he continued to wrangle money out of unsuspecting family members the way that he was.

"A thousand seems steep for a tiny pane of glass."

"I beg your pardon?" Feigning indignation, Bryce splayed his hand flat against his chest. "You take me for a crook? I'll have you know I'm giving you a special family discount."

I waved him off, unbothered by the price really, but eager to have the issue dropped. "I'll settle it on Monday. Wanna beer?"

"Won't say no."

Bryce followed me inside where I pulled two beers for us from the fridge. I popped them open and set them on the island, taking a hard pull of my own.

From here, at least I didn't have a view of Bray in that dress and covered in dappled sunlight. Though that didn't mean I stopped myself from trying to peer through one of the windows to catch a glimpse of her.

Christ, I had it bad.

It had to be sheer horniness, though. I'd always found her attractive, and now living with her, having her in close proximity all the time, was tricking my fickle body into thinking forbidden things were now available to it.

Yup, that's all it was.

Undiluted proximity and hormones.

"So," Bryce drawled, leaning against the island and tipping his beer in the general direction of the others outside, "Braylee's single, right?"

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