Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Monday, 4:17pm

DOM: Why is the alarm going off?

BRAY: It's not...

DOM: Why WAS the alarm going off?

BRAY: False alarm.

DOM: I'm coming back.

BRAY: NO! The security company turned it off, don't worry. I need tampons, don't come back!

DOM: Why did it go off, Bray? Also, I swore we just bought you tampons the other day.

BRAY: I don't feel like using that brand. I discovered they support and fund a regime that has blatant disregard for the environment and animal rights in general. And I forgot the beams were on and I needed to feed Geraldine.

DOM: Geraldine... the porcupine???

BRAY: I forgot the key code and couldn't find my phone to take the security's call.

DOM: I thought you had stopped feeding the fucking porcupines!

BRAY: Do we really need sensor beams outside? Seems excessive to me.

DOM: Feeding wild animals seems excessive to me, yet here we are.

BRAY: Can you bring home some chocolate, too? Anything with caramel is good. And some ice cream.

DOM: There's a tub of ice cream in the freezer.

BRAY: *was...

Tuesday, 7:34pm

DOM: Alarm report from security company came through. You OK?

BRAY: Yes! SOry

DOM: Wtf


DOM: Use your words, Mitchells, or I'm coming back.

BRAY: He set off the alarm climbing out a window. Can't find him now. I think the loud sound spooked him and he's hiding in the garden somewhere.

DOM: You are NOT pissing around in the bushes looking for that cat while it's dark.

BRAY: He's an indoor cat! He isn't used to outside! He's scared and alone and lost!

DOM: I'm coming back.

BRAY: Noooo, it's OK! I'll find him- you enjoy your rugby practice!

DOM: Too late, already turned around. I'll see you in 10.

Thursday, 8:56pm

DOM: Geraldine set off the perimeter alarm again?

BRAY: Maybe.

DOM: Security there?

BRAY: Maybe.

DOM: Did you forget the pass code again?

BRAY: No! I wouldn't forget it now that you changed it to something we both can remember easily.

DOM: Why is the company there then?

BRAY: Quality assurance?

DOM: Bray.

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