Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"I think I have a crush on Dom."

Stella Huxley's head snapped to me, her eyes popping wide. "WHAT?"

"Ssshh!" I glanced around apologetically at the five other women on the retreat with us. We were spaced out enough not to encroach on each others' meditative zones, but Stella's outburst surely made some annoyed. Easing into the Cobra Pose, I gave her a stern look and released a deep breath. The morning sunlight was almost too bright and I had to close my eyes against it as it warmed my face.

"You have a crush on Dom?" Stella hissed from beside me. She'd arrived early that morning with her fiancé, Killian Beckett, early enough to join me and the small group of women who were paying to find a karmic symphony with the universe this Saturday in the beautiful mountains I happened to live in. "Has something happened between you two?"

"No!" My cheeks scalded with heat and I whipped my head to give her a pointed look. I now doubted confiding in her, but after last night I desperately needed someone to talk to about it. I felt as if I was losing control of my sanity. But Stella, being as close as she was to Dom, might have been a poor choice on my part. I needed to find more friends. "Look, just forget I said anything. It's nothing, really."

Stella didn't look convinced, but I noted how unsteady she was as she tried to maintain the pose, and that seemed to keep her mouth and mind occupied for now.


"Shit, what a view," Killian Beckett murmured appreciatively.

He stood beside me before the glass sliding door that led out onto the veranda, providing a view of the sloping laws and mountains beyond. On the cusp of the yard, Bray's little yoga retreat. Seven women of varying ages and physiques all stretching in the morning sunlight in tight little tops and pants.

I took a sip of my coffee, my attention riveted on Bray as she arched her back and lifted her face to the sun. Every delectable contour of her ass was shaped for my viewing pleasure thanks to whatever dark grey tights covered her legs. "Yup."

"You say this happens every morning?"

"Bray is methodical in her torture process," I grumbled. "She rarely misses a morning yoga sesh."

"Why does that sound like a complaint?" Killian turned to look at me, a brow raised with clear amusement.

"It is. Probably not a good idea to wanna fuck your housemate all the time when we still have a year on the lease of the place."


The note of amusement lacing his voice didn't make me feel better about the situation, especially not after what happened last night. I mean, if I was honest with myself, it was bound to happen eventually- that Braylee would catch my uncontrollable hard-on because, well, just the thought of her made my dick react. And now I'd spooked her because she was acting awkward as all hell around me, skulking about in her bedroom and refusing to come out unless absolutely necessary.

"You sure she doesn't feel the same way?"

I reluctantly turned my attention to Killian because fuck, no, Braylee didn't feel the same way. "I can assure you that if that woman caught even a hint of my dick anywhere near her, she'd run a mile."


"Stop staring at me!" I hissed at Stella as we repositioned into the Child's Pose. I shuffled onto my knees, leaned forward until my forehead was pressed against my yoga mat, and stretched my arms out behind me, trying in vain to centre myself.

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