Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Ten minutes turned into... I glanced at the time on my phone.


Jesus, what the fuck was she doing?

I was about to tell her I'd just go on my own, but I curbed the thought and my annoyance, especially when not five minutes later she emerged from her room.

Looking fine as hell.

Fifty minutes well worth the wait.

Guess I was as fickle as can be considering I didn't feel annoyed anymore. Fuck it, I felt hot and appreciative all at once.

Long legs wrapped in tight-fitting, high-waisted black denim with torn knees were paired with a loose-fitting crop top featuring an old logo of a '90's grunge band, revealing a flash of skin at her waist. She also wore a matching black denim jacket, with a pair of black sneakers on her feet. She'd done her make-up, her eyes startling with winged liner, and her hair in a loose braid that allowed tendrils of her auburn strands to curl artfully from her temples.

She hesitated when she reached the kitchen, having caught me staring at her. "Sorry," Bray said, a bloom of colour appeared on her cheeks. "I took a bit long."

A bit of a wait for a woman to look like that and be seen with me? Holy fuck balls, she could take as much time as she wanted. Though, I'd be happy to be seen with Bray no matter what state she was in. She was even damn fine snoring on my pillow with her mouth agape and hair a wild, untamed mess about her face.

I told her none of that though. Instead, I offered her a smile, but the movement of my lips felt stiff. "It's fine. Let's go."

Her lips twitched in a reciprocal smile, and then she pivoted, affording me a view of her perfect ass encased in those skin-tight jeans. I averted my gaze to the ceiling and prayed to God I could keep my dick under control, even while I put my itching fingers deep into the pockets of my jeans. The urge to slap her backside was almost too overwhelming and I wondered how the hell that would go down between us.

I mean, we were close, but not that close.

Well, after the night she had spent in my bed, maybe we were a little bit closer than before... and the girl was a noisy sleeper.

"I'll drive us," she told me over her shoulder as she reached for her car keys that were hanging on the hook by the front door. "You can be Passenger Princess today."

Ten minutes later, I realised that what Braylee actually meant by that was that I'd become her Passenger Prisoner... because the woman drove like a bat out of hell and harboured a streak of road rage that made my butthole clench in acute terror. The horn was her best friend, and she was not shy about tailgating anyone who drove too slowly for her liking.

Or flipping the bird to random drivers that had caused her offence on the road.

I almost wished to be merged with the fabric of the seat I was in when someone cut her off in the shopping centre's parking lot.

Leaning her head out the window, Braylee screamed at the elderly woman pulling into the parking spot she had been gunning for, "WHERE'D YOU LEARN TO DRIVE, DIPSHIT?"

"Jesus, Bray." I cringed, hunching over slightly. "Can you calm down a bit?"

"She took my parking, Dom." Her ire now directed at me, amber gaze flashing enraged sparks my way. "Some people need to learn FUCKING MANNERS!" The last bit was hurled out the window, since the woman had now emerged from the car and was giving Braylee a hateful look.

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