Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I woke up surrounded by darkness and little clue as to how much time had passed, or what the time could be.

Still on the recliners, I blinked a few times, trying to clear the haze of sleep from my mind. I couldn't recall falling asleep, but evidently I had- during a movie Bray and I had decided on. This was odd. I didn't fall asleep during movies, or anywhere else other than my own bed. A fact that bothered a lot of the women I had entertained flings with in the past.

A quick assessment of my surroundings confirmed two things.

The movie had finished, if the black screen of the TV was any indication.

And Bray's face was pressed to my side as she snored softly, still asleep.

I rubbed my face, realising I didn't hate that she was, and studied her closer through the gloom. She was curled on her side, the cat behind her knees and giving me a yellow-eyed stare of accusation, and Trevor was sprawled by her feet. A throw covered the lower half of her body, the flare of her hip and dip of her waist accentuated in the position she lay. A position that put her neck at a very awkward angle.

She'd wake up stiff and in pain if she remained like that. Besides, it was probably for the best that I got her up and to bed.

I nudged her gently. "Bray."

No response.

Which wasn't a surprise.

I'd come across her multiple times during the past week in all manner of naps, and nothing had disturbed her. The girl loved her sleep and not even Trevor's yapping at a bird outside her window, not the cat that thought her neck to be the perfect spot to lie on, and not my aggressive shouting and swearing at adolescents playing the same online game as me could rouse her.

Another nudge and she mumbled a sleepy protest, snuggling deeper into my side. The movement made her face drop and I now had the problem of her cheek almost touching my groin.

During the course of our evening together, we'd slid out the footrest of the recliners and lowered the back as far as it'd go. I guess we'd gotten a little too comfortable if we'd both fallen asleep. And Bray especially had crept closer to my side, seeking warmth or snuggles it seemed.

I managed to slide an arm under her shoulders and begin to lift her with a desperation born from whatever stirrings were happening underneath the material of my sweatpants. She was, however, a deadweight, and instead of having the desired effect of rousing her awake, or at the very minimum scooting her over, Braylee shifted unerringly closer to me.

She sighed and huffed and wrapped her limbs around me like an octopus hugging a candle.

God help me, I was liking this a bit too much, and the sleepy hum of contentment she made as she snuggled closer to me made my heart give a pitiful little convulsion and my cock jerk with approval.

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