Chapter 1- The Letters

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((Y/N)'s POV)

Me and Harry were twins, we saw siblings fight each other all the time but me and Harry weren't like that. Our family hated us and we had no friends, we were all each other had so we made sure to keep it that way. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were horrible to us. They made us do almost all the chores around the house, even when we were young. If we didn't do them correctly we would get an earful from her and beaten by Vernon. Dudley grew up seeing this behaviour, thinking we deserved it so he started doing it too. The only difference being he did it almost all the time, and even got some of his friends to join should me and Harry be outside. There was no escape from the torture so we just dealt with it. It had gotten to the point where we perfected every chore in the house, Petunia could no longer yell at us and Vernon couldn't beat us down physically. Of course Dudley would still do it at school, but at home he was limited to pushing us around. In winter when me and Harry stayed in the cupboard we would cuddle up to each other, it was cold and with our ragged clothes that are second hand to Dudley. It didn't help that we were different sizes, his clothes were much too big for us, causing one of our shoulders to be exposed a lot if we just wore a plain tshirt. In summer it got hot and stuffy, we still cuddled but this time less tightly, we needed the emotional support from each other, no one else would give it.

It was Dudley's birthday, as usual Petunia got us up early to cook breakfast for everyone. Me and Harry got up groggily, when we moved the covers off us Dudley started jumping on the stairs, causing some dust to fall on us. When we opened the door Harry got out first, only to be shoved back in by Dudley and have the door shut on us again. We finally got out with no problems and went to do our jobs. We split up the work, while Harry cooked, I wiped the countertops and boiled the kettle. Tossing the cloth in the sink and pouring the hot water into a mug. I added coffee powder to it and stirred thoroughly. I added some sugar and milk, stirring again before setting the spoon in the sink and walking over to Vernon who was reading the paper. "How many are there?" Dudley asks, referring to the presents scattered on the floor. "36 counted them myself," Vernon states proudly, a smug grin on his face. The only reason he did this was to taunt me and Harry, we didn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction though, just ignoring it. "36!36" but last year! Last year I had 37!" Dudley yells, face turning slightly red. In an attempt to calm him down, Petunia knelt to his level and said, "we'll buy you two big presents on the way home ok." I roll my eyes, looking at Harry with a look that said "spoiled brat". Harry huffed a laugh at my look, before getting back to the bacon he was cooking.

I heard the letter box close and immediately went to go pick up the letters. They were mainly for Uncle Vernon, he was a minor boss in a company so that didn't surprise me, what did surprise me was two cream coloured envelopes, addressed to me and Harry. Before I could do anything however, Dudley grabbed them and yelled for his parents. "Dad! Dad! (Y/N) and Harry have letters," he yelled excitedly, he was obviously going to mock us afterwards. "They were addressed to us so shouldn't we be the ones opening them," Harry asks, slight irritation in his voice. "And who would be writing to you two?" Vernon asks mockingly, Dudley handing him the letters. He turned them over and froze at the sight of the red crest on the back, Petunia looked over and froze as well. He tossed the letters in the fire quickly before telling everyone to get ready to go to the zoo. Me and Harry got dressed in our best clothes, still very old and baggy, and walked towards the front door Vernon was waiting. He grabs Harry's arm as he's in front of us. "I'm warning you now boys, if you mess this up, no dinner for a week!" Vernon yells at us before shoving us out the house to lock the door. We sit silently in the car on the way, Petunia cooing over Dudley the entire time.


We've been at the zoo for about an hour now, we moved into the reptile house, having to go with Dudley's pace of things made it hard to appreciate and just look at each animal. If they didn't do something interesting he tapped on the glass. Effectively annoying them, then moving on without a care in the world of what he caused. This was very much the same with the snake. Me and Harry were watching it sleep, as peacefully as it can with others around, Dudley came over and demanded us to, "make it move." Me and Harry ignored him, so Vernon did it instead. Banging on the glass loudly before loudly saying, "move!" He couldn't yell loudly in a public area without drawing unwanted attention. Dudley, ever the impatient one, banged on the glass much louder not even a second after Vernon did it. "Move!" he yells much louder. Vernon backs away slightly, discreetly looking around to see if anyone was staring. "He's asleep," Harry says, annoyed at Dudley's behaviour. "He's boring," Dudley quips back, moving on to a new reptile behind us that was moving.

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