Chapter 3-Diagon Alley

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We were walking through the streets of London, since both mine and Harry's letters were the same I put mine in my pocket and let Harry read off the things we needed. I had a hold of his arm to move him out of people's way when necessary as Hagrid led us through alleys and small market areas no one would know about unless you were local. "Can you find all this in London?" Harry asks unsure, neither of us knew anywhere that sells the things required. Except of course the pet situation. "If you know where to go," Hagrid answers him. He led us down another small road where a pub was located called "The Leaky Cauldron". That's the place we're going I bet, sounds like a place magical people would hand out at least. I was right as Hagrid led us right through the door, inside was quite lively. People were talking and drinking all over the place. "Ah Hagrid! The usual I presume?" the bartender asks. Hagrid must come here a lot then, at least in the holidays. "No thanks Tom! I'm on official Hogwarts business, and helping these young folks get their school supplies" Hagrid replies, putting a hand on both our shoulders. The bartender looks at Harry's scar, seeming to recognise it he says, "Bless my soul, it's Harry and (Y/N) Potter." Everybody stops talking and looks in our direction, I freeze at the sudden attention, being yelled at constantly in front of people when you were younger can really do a number on your self-confidence. People started greeting Harry and shaking his hand. Harry was very polite and shook everyone's hand but I could tell he was confused and as a result rather nervous. So I stood in front of him protectively after the last person left. A tall and lanky man walked up to us, "Harry and (Y/N) Potter, can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you," He said, stuttering a lot throughout the greeting. Harry seems to hold back a sigh and put on a polite smile instead, he holds his hand out in greeting, waiting for the man to grab his in return. The nervous looking man however, back away slightly, must be a germaphobe or something. "Hello Professor, I didn't see you there. This is Professor Quirrel, he'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Hagrid introduces us. The nervous man smiles at us, though it's rather shaky, and we smile back. "Fearfully fascinating subject, not that you need it though e-eh Potters," he says, shrinking away from Harry who retracts his hand. I tilt my head at this, everyone seems to know something we don't and it's starting to annoy me. It kinda feels like that massive prank the whole family and Dudley's friends pulled on us on our seventh birthday, everyone was in on it except us. "Best be off, lots to buy," Hagrid says, noticing our confusion. We bid the Professor goodbye and follow after him through the pub and into a back area that looks like where smokers would hang out.

"See you're famous," Hagrid says to us. "But why are we famous Hagrid?" Harry asks, confused. "I think you mean why are you famous, you were the one everyone wanted to shake hands with," I tease him lightly. "I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that Harry," Hagrid answers his question. He pulls out his umbrella and taps the stones which start to wriggle a bit. All the stones then start to move, forming an archway and revealing an entire alley full of people. Harry and I look in awe at the place. "Welcome to Diagon Alley," Hagrid says. We walk through the archway, seeing a narrow pathway that's filled with people going about their day. Weirdly shaped shops on either side. Hagrid starts pointing at all the shops, telling us which shops what and where we get certain items. Harry and I are in such awe however, that it doesn't stick in our heads. As we continue walking it dawns on me, "But Hagrid, how are we supposed to pay for all our stuff?" I ask, worried. "There's your money(Y/N) Gringotts Wizardry bank, ain't no safer place. Not one, except for probably Hogwarts," Hagrid answers, pointing at a white building at the end of the street.

Walking in we see a lot of tiny people with huge ears and noses, either on high up desks or walking across the room. Harry gets nervous, "Uh Hagrid? What exactly are these things?" he asks. "They're goblins Harry, clever as they come but not exactly the most friend;y of beasts. Best stay close," Hagrid answers. We walk up to the desk at the very end of the room, seeing a goblin writing with a feather. Hagrid clears his throat and the goblin looks up, seeming to be very annoyed. "Mr Harry and (Y/N) Potter wishes to make a withdrawal," Hagrid states, voice shaking slightly. The goblin leans forward over his desk to look at us. I stand in front of Harry slightly, neither of us knew which one was older but I assumed the role. Feeling very protective over Harry from a young age. The goblin smirks as he detects our fear no doubt. "Ah and does Mr Harry and (Y/N) Potter have their key," he asks, taunting us slightly. "Oh wait a minute, got it here somewhere," Hagrid says. The goblin looks over at him annoyed, it seems he was getting a thrill from our fear and now he doesn't have it. "Ah ha! There's the little devil," Hagrid says, placing a key on his desk. "Oh theres something else as well, Professor Dumbledore gave me this," Hagrid says quietly. He hands over a letter to the goblin who looks intrigued. "It's about you know what, in vault you know which," Hagrid says quietly. Me and Harry look at him curious, sensing the seriousness of the situation. "Very well," the goblin says, hopping down off his desk, he leads us to a cart that rolls up as we enter a cave of sorts. A goblin on the back of it. He gives the other goblin instruction before returning into the room we came from. We move to sit on the cart, Hagrid on the edge furthest, Harry in the middle and me on the other side of him. "This looks like a rollercoaster," I whisper to Harry who nods. We take off and Hagrid and Harry scream slightly in fear, I scream in glee though. We start slowing down much too quickly for me however. The goblin steps off saying our destination, "vault 367, lamp please?" Hagrid hands him a lamp, beckoning us out of the cart. We walk up to a large vault door. "Key please," the goblin says again, Hagrid handing over the key. The large door opens and we see big piles of gold in the centre of the small room. Hagrid hands us a small bag, telling us to collect some while he stays out here. Me and Harry grab many handfuls, placing it in the seemingly endless bag. Hagrid told us there was an extension charm or something like that placed on the bag, that made it able to hold a lot more than it should've. We set off soon after, Hagrid handing Harry the key before producing another one from his coat and handing it to me. We arrive at vault 713 where Hagrid told us to stay in the cart. We see the door open and Hagrid grabs a small tan package, placing it in his pocket afterwards. On the way back Hagrid tells us not to tell anyone of this trip and we agree.

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