Chapter 5- Hogwarts

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The train starts slowing down, finally arriving at the station for Hogwarts and we see a familiar figure walk towards the train. "Right then!" Hagrid yells, "first years over to me, come on now don't be shy." Harry, Ron and I step out, I put Shadow back in his carrier as we were told they'd be taken to our rooms when we were sorted into our houses. "C'mon now hurry up!" Hagrid continues to yell as people exit the train. We walk up to Hagrid, marvelling at the place around us. "Hello Harry, (Y/N)," Hagrid greets us. We say hello back and other first years gather around us. Hagrid leads us to boats positioned on the side of the lake. Me, Harry, Ron and another boy get in a boat with Hagrid. The boats start moving on their own, towards a castle that's lit up across the lake. We arrive at Hogwarts and Hagrid directs us up some steps. Harry, Ron and I lead the first years up the stairs, pausing when we see a lady at the top of the next flight. "Welcome to Hogwarts, now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses," she says, looking at all of us. "They are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, and rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the house cup," she continues speaking. A faint croaking can be heard and one of the students lunges forward yelling, "Trevor!" He rushes up the stairs, grabbing the small toad that's in front of the woman. She gives him a look and he apologises quietly while moving back into the cluster of students. "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," she says walking off.

"It's true then, what they were saying on the train," a voice breaks the silence. A boy with blonde hair ,leaning against the staircase as if he owned the place, had spoken. He continues, "Harry Potter and his brother have come to Hogwarts." This causes students to talk in whispers amongst themselves. I shift uncomfortably at the sudden attention. I look away, attempting to zone out from the conversation that's about to happen. It must've worked as I see the blonde retreat, annoyed and the lady come back. "We're ready for you now," she says gently and leads us through some doors.

We walked through them, seeing four very long tables, floating candles and the night sky at the top of the hall. I vaguely hear Hermione saying it's bewitched to reflect the sky outside. We arrive at the end, seeing a stool and an old hat on top of it. "Now, I will call your names and you will come forth. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses," the lady says, picking up the hat and retrieving a rolled up scroll from her robes. She begins calling out names from the list and I zone out again. Zoning back in when I hear Ron's name being called. He walks up to the hat nervously, sitting on the stool the hat is placed on his head. "Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you, GRYFFINDOR," the hat yells out. Cheers come from the Gryffindor table. I smile at Ron as he walks down, I see get put into a choke hold by one of the twins from his family we saw earlier. I laugh at their antics before turning back around when I hear Harry being called up. The entire hall goes silent at his name, the teachers sit up eagerly as well. Harry looks at me nervously but I push him forward lightly with a nod. He sits on the stool and the hat talks to him quietly before yelling out Gryffindor. I smile and clap at Harry, he smiles back as he walks to the table that's cheering very loudly. "(Y/N) Potter," the lady calls my name. I take a deep breath before walking up to the stool. "Hmmm, you're very similar to your brother, maybe a bit more cunning?" The hat starts talking quietly. I stay quiet, letting it decide what's best. "GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yells out after a long stretch of silence. The same table cheers loudly, some people even standing up. I walk over and sit next to Harry who cheers with them. The sorting continues as well as the cheers. When it's finally over Dumbledore stands up and says, "let the feast begin." With a wave of his hands food appears in front of everyone, who starts digging in almost instantly. The first years look in awe before following after everyone else. Ron instantly digs into the chicken, having one leg in both hands. Harry and I, not used to big meals, take a small amount of chips, a couple of legs and an apple. A ghost head pops out the chicken as Ron reaches for another. A few first years gasp, shocked at the sight. "Hello, how are you?" the ghost says, smiling at all of us. The ghost looks over at Ron who is reminiscent of a gaping fish at the moment. "Welcome to Gryffindor," the ghost says, nodding at Ron. More ghosts come flying in, playfully scaring some kids, one swiping a sword at the as he goes down the length of the table. "Hello Sir Nicholas, have a nice summer?" Ron's brother, who's name I learned was Percy, asked the ghost. "Dismal, once again my request to join the headless hunt has been denied," Nicholas responds. He floats away and Ron's eyes follow him, still gaping but this time in wonder. I focus on eating my apple but feel stares on me. Taking a bite I look around, briefly catching two sets of eyes on me, but when I turn back to look they're gone. I shrug my shoulders and get back to my apple, oblivious to the eyes being set on me again.

At the end of the feast Dumbledore states the rules for the first years and Percy gathers us. We follow him to the common room, he tells us the password and lets us explore the common room a bit. "Girl's dorms are that way, boys are over there. Your belongings are already in the room with your name on, if you need any questions come to me," Percy says, turning away and walking to the boys dorms. I follow after Harry and Ron who are eager to find their dorm. We find our names in the same dorm as "Neville Longbottom", "Seamus Finnegan", and "Dean Thomas". When we open the door I see my cat carrier on my bed, Shadow starts pawing at the door meowing loudly. I let him out and he instantly jumps onto the bedside table to look out the window. I huff a laugh before picking out some pyjamas and changing in the connected bathroom. I come back and instantly flop on the bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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