Chapter 2-Mysterios Visitor

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Vernon moved us all across England but the letters still found us. The entire time me and Harry were unable to get one as Vernon either overpowered us, or got to them before we could even see them. Vernon finally found a place where he insisted they wouldn't find us. It was a small wooden house, on a rock in the middle of the sea. It was storming as soon as we arrived. Me and Harry, not having the appropriate clothing for this weather, was left with a very holy blanket, while Dudley got one that was thin, but was definitely much better than a holey one, he also got the couch. Harry and I stayed up that night, being too cold to sleep properly and because we usually did this on the night before our birthday. We were cuddled up with multiple layers on, hearing the raging storm outside and the sea crashing upon the rocks. Harry watched the watch on Dudley's wrist while I drew a birthday cake in the dirt and dust that covered the floor. I was the one that drew the most out of the both of us but we agreed at 5 years old when we created this tradition first that we would alternate the jobs. Though we usually did this with paper, it was kind of better this time, cause we could actually blow out the candles. Dudley's watch beeped, signalling a new hour had started. Midnight. The day of our birthday had arrived. We held each other's hand, closing our eyes to make a wish before blowing away the drawing together.

A loud bang was heard on the door as soon as we finished blowing. Dudley jumped up instantly, moving to the corner of the room when the bangs started to become continuous. Me and Harry stood up just as Petunia and Vernon ran in with a rifle. We hid behind the fireplace as Vernon called out timidly, "Who's there?" The door fell open and a massive guy walked in, he had to duck to get through the door he was that big. Harry and I looked at each other shocked as Dudley ran behind his parents. "Sorry about that," the mysterious giant said. He turned around and picked up the door, placing it back on the hinges. "I demand that you leave at once, you are breaking an entry!" Vernon yells while pointing the rifle at the man. He simply rolled his eyes at Vernon, grabbing the end of the gun and twisting it. "Dry up Dursley you great Prune," he says angrily. Dudley screams before backing away, me and Harry stay hidden knowing he hasn't noticed us yet. We become curious though, as it seems the mysterious giant knows Vernon. Said giant turns to Dudley. "Blimey I haven't seen you since you guys were babies, you must be (Y/N) as you don't have the scar, what happened to your brother?" the giant asks Dudley. Dudley shakes in fear before answering, "I'm not (Y/N), or Harry." Me and Harry finally peak around the fireplace, "W-we are," Harry says, his voice breaking mid sentence in fear. We often weren't allowed to talk to anyone Vernon knew unless he gave us the ok, and even then we would have to be spoken to first. The mysterious man seems to melt slightly, "well of course you are," he says in a gentle but gruff voice. "Here I got something for ya," he continues. "'Fraid I may have sat on it at some point, but it should taste fine just the same," he says, placing a squished box into Harry's hands as he was closer. "Baked it myself, words and all," the man states, proud of himself. I look at him with a smile, Harry doing the same shortly after. "Thank you," we say in unison, the man melts even more. He sits on the couch as Dudley looks at us, offended but curious as to what's in the box. I untie the ribbon as Harry positions his hands under the box, opening it we see a pink cake with messy green icing on top, reading "Happy Birthday Harry and (Y/N)". "It's not everyday your young man turns eleven now is it," the man says excitedly, his arms slightly flapping at his sides. He pulls out a pink umbrella, pointing it at the old fireplace. Sparks fly out the tip and a fire appears. Me and Harry look in awe, placing the cake down on a nearby table and standing closer to the fire, finally warming up. "Excuse me, who are you?" Harry asks timidly. "Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts" the man answers immediately. "Of course you two will know all about Hogwarts," the man says excitedly. We shake our heads side to side, never hearing of the place before. "I saw it on the back of the letters we keep receiving but we don't know anything else, sorry," I apologise shyly. We both look down in guilt, trying to remember anything else around the strange name. Hagrid seems confused rather than angry, asking gently, "No? Blimey you two, didn't you ever wonder where your mum and Dad learned it all?" This confuses us more, looking up again Harry asks, "learnt what?" Hagrid leans forward slightly, "You're wizards Harry, (Y/N." Harry and I share a look of shock with each other. If that was true then that would explain a lot of strange occurrences that have happened in our live, especially the disappearing glass incident which happened recently. "We're what?" Harry asks again to be sure. "Wizards, and thumping good one I imagine when we train you two up a little," Hagrid confirms again.

"No I mean, you must've made a mistake I mean," Harry starts denying Hagrid, looking at me to finish. "We can't be wizards, I mean, we're just Harry and (Y/N)," I finish for Harry. Hagrid seems amused, "Well, just Harry and (Y/N), did you ever make anything happen, anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared." Harry looks down in thought, realising all the times where something unexplainable did happen. I nod my head at Hagrid with a small smile, I've got to tell him about the snake incident with Dudley at some point. Harry looks back up, finally believing Hagrid, who nods at both of us when he sees that we both believe him. Standing up, Hagrid grabs two familiar looking letters from his pocket, handing them out to us. I grab mine eagerly, excited over finally being able to read it. I say a quick but quiet, "thank you," which makes Hagrid laugh a bit. Ripping it open Harry starts reading aloud, "Dear Mr Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Vernon cuts him off, "he will not be going, I tell you. We swore when we took him in we'd put a stop to all this rubbish." I look at him shocked, and a little angry. "You knew! You knew all along and never told us!" I yell angrily. Petunia finally pipes up, "of course I knew, how could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was, my mother and father were so. Proud. The day she got her letter, we have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was, a freak! Then she met that Potter, and then she had you two and then I knew you both would be just the same, just as strange, just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up, and then we were dumped with you both!" she seethes. "Blown up! You told us our parents died in a car crash!" Harry yells back at her. "A car crash!" Hagrid yells mortified and angry over the lie. "A car crash killed Lily and James Potter!? It's an outrage, it's a scandal!" Hagrid continues to yell. "He will not be going," Vernon insists again. "Oh and I suppose a great muggle like yourself is going to stop him are you?" Hagrid asks with mock fear. "Muggle?" Harry asks, confused by the term. "Non magic folk," Hagrid answers before continuing to lecture Vernon. "These boys have had their name down since the day they were born, he's going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen. Albus Dumbledore." "I will not pay to have some crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks," Vernon yells back. A dark aura surrounds Hagrid as he points his umbrella at Vernon. Speaking very low and menacing, Hagrid replies, "never. Insult Albus Dumbledore. In front of me." I hear quiet munching and look over to see Dudley munchkin on a very familiar pink cake. "Hey!" I yell. Hagrid looks over noticing the same thing, sparks shooting out his umbrella on to Dudley who now has a pig's tail coming out his trousers. Dudley starts screaming and so do his parents, running up the stairs to the only bedroom where Vernon and Petunia were sleeping earlier. Me and Harry laugh at them as they retreat fearfully.

Hagrid clears his throat and asks quietly, "I appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone in Hogwarts about that, strictly speaking I'm not allowed to do magic." Harry and me smile at him. "After you gave Dudley a taste of his own medicine and scared of Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. We've got your back," I say to him excitedly, Harry nods afterwards. Hagrid laughs and checks his watch. "I think we're a bit behind schedule, best be off," Hagrid says. My face falls as he leaves, thinking we're gonna be left alone and yelled at by the Dursleys. Hagrid pulls the door away from the hinges again, letting it drop to the floor before turning back to us. "Unless you'd rather stay of course," Hagrid says, already knowing the answer. I smile and look at Harry. "Mind if we change first, wherever we're going I don't want to be in pyjamas," I ask with a smile. "Of course, of course, I'll turn away and block the door," Hagrid says, turning around and covering most of the door.

(A/N) Another chapter will be released tomorrow, as it's the first day I decided to release 2 - Lia

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