Chapter 12 - Final Battle

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We walk down some stairs. Harry's scar starts burning again and he rubs it in annoyance. "If you rub it it will make it worse," I say, grabbing both of his hands. He sighs but nods his head, knowing that if it is irritated, rubbing it will only create more of a problem. We reach a dark room, where a familiar mirror is. In front of a mirror is someone you'd never expect. Professor Quirrell. "You?" Harry says shocked. The professor turns around with a resting bitch face. "No it can't be, Snape he was the one who-" Harry says confused, being cut off midway by Quirrell. "Yes, seems the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor stuttering p-professor Q-Q-Quirrell," the professor says, mocking his own scared demeanour towards the end. "B-but that day, during the Quidditch match Snape tried to kill me," Harry says confused. Quirrell shakes his head. "No dear boy, I tried to kill you, and trust me. If Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire causing me to break my eye contact I would have succeeded," Quarrel explains angrily. "Even with Snape muttering his little counter curse," Quirrell adds. I'll have to thank Snape again later.

"Snape was trying to save me," Harry says shocked. "I knew of both your dangers to me right from the off, especially after Halloween," Quirrell says again. This is starting to sound like the villain monologue before the final fight. "Then you let the troll in," I finally speak up. "Very good Potter, yes. Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled, the troll got a good hit on you but it wasn't enough to kill you," Quirrell says, glaring at me. "While everyone else was running about the dungeon he went to the third floor to head me off, he, of course, never trusted me again," Quirrell says, turning back to the mirror. "I wonder why," I say to him sarcastically. He glared at me through the mirror. "He barely left me alone," Qurrell adds.

Harry starts gasping in pain, rubbing his scar lightly. I grab his hands again, lightly glaring at him to stop and he sends me an apologetic look. "But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone. Never" Quirrell says ominously. "Now, what does this mirror do," he asks no one in particular. "I see what I desire, I see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it," Quirrell yells, frustrated. "Use the boys," a voice calls out huskily. Quirrell turns to us, "COME HERE POTTERS! NOW!" he yells. Startling us a bit, this is far from the nervous man we were introduced to.

Harry and I walk forward slowly, not really having much of a choice. We stand by Quirrell and he stares at us intensely. "Tell me, what do you see?" he demands menacingly. I see the same thing as I saw before, me, Harry, our parents and the two distorted figures. They're slightly clearer now, both having ginger hair. "Well? What do you see?" Quirrell yells at us again. "I see me with my parents, Harry and two distorted figures," I say instantly, hoping Harry catches onto the plan. Harry seems shocked, knowing I was being honest and wondering about the two figures. "Yeah, I see me, (Y/N) and my parents nothing more," Harry says quickly. "He lies," the same voice from earlier calls out again. "TELL THE TRUTH! WHAT DO YOU SEE!?" Quirrells demands again. I jump back a bit, quiet ones really are scarier when mad.

"Let me speak to them," the voice says again. "Master, you are not strong enough," Quirrell warns. "I have strength enough for this," the voice replies. Quirrell starts undoing the head scarf and Harry and me back away. He turns to us, having his back to the mirror perfectly. Harry starts looking for an escape route. We turn back as Quirrel removes his head scarf fully, revealing a wrinkly face on the back of his head. I grimace at it, it wasn't exactly a pretty sight. "Harry and (Y/N) Potter, we meet again," the voice whispers out, still very husky. Harry and I take another step back up the stairs. "Voldemort," I say quietly, Harry grabbing my hand. "Yes, you see what I've become, see what I must do to survive. Live of another, a mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give me a body of my own," the face on the back of Quirrell's head says. "But there is something that can, something that conveniently enough lies in your pocket," Voldemort says. We turn and run, only to be blocked by a wall of fire. Backing back into the room in shock, we turn around to face the two people sharing a body again. "Don't be a fool, why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?" Voldemort asks. "Never!" I yell back at him. Voldemort laughs at me quietly. "Bravery, you are not the one you stopped me (Y/N) Potter, it was your brother. Don't you want a name for yourself?" Voldemort asks me. "I stick with my brother and my friends, I would never give them up for the likes of you!" I deny instantly. Voldemort seethes at us, "tell me, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together we can bring them back," Voldemort reasons. Looking back into the mirror I see them staring back, however this time they're further away from me. The two figures stand closer, hugging and kissing me sweetly. I look at Harry, knowing we'll find love someplace else, even if it's not our actual parents. "All I ask is for something in return," Voldemort continues, smirking at us. Harry pulls the stone out of his pocket, I look at it briefly before locking eyes with him. Twin telepathy kicks in again and I know he won't give up the stone. Voldemort doesn't know this however, thinking Harry's giving up the stone. "That's it Harry, there is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it," Voldemort says, somewhat excitedly. I look back into the mirror seeing my parents nod at me one last time. "Together, we can do extraordinary things, just give me the stone," Voldemort says desperately. His voice becomes huskier, clearly running out of energy.

"You liar!" Harry yells angrily. "Kill him!" Voldemort orders. Quirrell launches into the air, pinning Harry to the stairs and choking him. Harry starts struggling, trying to release Quirrell's grip. I grab onto the professor's hand and pull, it starts to burn him. Quirrell pulls back in pain, crying out in pain as his hand dissolves. "What is this magic?" Quirrell cries out. "Fool! Get the stone!" Voldemort commands again. Harry grabs it, standing up as Quirrell launches towards us once more. I press my hands to his face, burning him again, he cries out in pain and Voldemort does the same. He pulls back, covering his face for a second as it cracks. He reaches forward again only to dissolve before he can even put a step out. Hi clothes land at our feet, that being the only thing left of Quirrell. We sigh in relief and Harry shows me the stone, revealing that it's safe. Harry gasps and points behind me, seeing grey smoke come up from Quirrell's body. The smoke forms Voldemort's face and he screams. Shooting through us and out the exit. The shock causes our body's to fall, hitting our heads, blacking out.

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