Telling Christina Goodbye by Lurlene McDaniel

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Title: Telling Christina Goodbye 

Author: Lurlene McDaniel 

Review: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 

You can never tell how short your life is. Accidents are inevitable. One's life can be taken unexpectedly. Sudden deaths are difficult to move on to. 

 I wish they could have done something about the accident. I know convicting Tucker wouldn't bring Christina back to life but giving her justice would make her family and best friend feel (a little) better. If only Tucker controlled his temper while driving, the accident wouldn't happen. If only he listened to Christina, Trisha and Cody to slow down, Christina would still be alive and Cody would graduate with Trisha and not lose his memories! If only! 😔 

 If only he listened to Christina, Trisha and Cody to slow down, Christina would still be alive and Cody would graduate with Trisha and not lose his memories! If only! 😔 

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