Chapter 1: Meet The Reaper

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I'm already writing two other fanfics, but I HAD TO WRITE this story. It's about this dragon named Reaper... this is just the first chapter, kinda an intro to what Reaper's like.

Reaper stalked up behind the dragon. Her black scales blended into the night so well that you couldn't tell she was there. She gripped her knife tighter, and stabbed the knife through his back, walking over his dead body, relishing the feel of warm blood on her claws.

She carelessly kicked him over, knowing she could take anyone that came near with a single flick of her knife. She slipped the scroll he was holding out of his claws and launched into the night sky. She soared over Pyrrhia, and finally came to a high-up cave where not a single light glowed.

She landed and walked into the cave. She pushed through the fake wall designed to repel any dragons nosing around, looking for the organization Reaper worked for. It was made up of the best assassins in the whole world. Dragons of every type. Mostly NightWings. But Reaper was always the best. She was the most feared. Every little dragonet knew her name.

Reaper. It sounded exactly like how she was. She was no more than three years old, but she was the most dangerous dragon in the entire world. She changed her scales to a bright yellow, alerting everyone she was there.

"Heeey. Idiots. Get your sorry asses over here. I got your scroll."

"And in record time!" A nerdy-looking MudWing with glasses called, coming up to her. He tried to take the scroll from her talons.

"Ah-ah-ah" She said, pulling the scroll back to her chest, quicker than you could say 'kill'. "Say please."

"PLEASE" He sighed.

"More respect, Bulrush"

"Please, oh great Reaper, please let me take that all-mighty scroll from your possession, and you will be rewarded greatly, very respectable dragon who is named Reaper"

"Better. Needs work. Here, take the scroll" She tossed it in the air and jauntily stalked away. She heard Bulrush sigh, and she flicked him a warning glance. He quickly straightened up, got his glasses back into place, and hurried away to go do whatever extra nerdy psychopaths with powerful scrolls do.

"You better watch out. I can kill you with a single flick of my knife, now go and do whatever the fuck you need to do. Sheesh. What an ass hole." She grumbled under her breath, and right at that moment, her sister then appeared out from her cave as she gave Reaper a critical and exasperated stare.

"Watch your tongue, Reaper. There's children here."

"Do I look like I care? No! Now what the fuck do you want, Silencekeeper?" She demanded, raking her claws on the stone floor as she twitched her tail impatiently.

"Where's Shadowbinder, Starseer, and Shadeflyer?" Reaper inquired, staring at her sister with fake curiosity as she twitched her tail back and forth. Shadowbinder, Starseer, and Shade (Shadeflyer is her full name) but everyone just calls her Shade. They are her older sisters and Shadowshifter is her older brother. Reaper is the youngest out of the five of them. Well, technically... Shadow, Shade, and Starseer aren't really her sisters, but she's known them for basically her whole life so they feel like her sisters.

"I don't care, I can say whatever I feel like, Silencekeeper. Now shut up and leave me be. I'm going to bed." She says over her shoulder as she headed down the hallways of there temporary home.

Reaper walked down her tunnel, and quickly fell into a light, though rejuvenating sleep. She woke up in the morning to Shadowshifter standing over her.

"What the fuck dude" She hissed. He laughed and fluttered his wings. His navy blue scales shimmered glamorously, highly contrasting Reapers normally black scales. Reaper is a NightWing-RainWing hybrid. She was born with the powers of both, including fire, venom, camouflage, and the ability to change her scales.

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