Chapter 4: Meet Ruby & Cinder

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Ruby leaned over to Cinder, "How long do you think it'll be before she notices?" She said, pointing to Bondfire. The nasty orange dragon was going along with her day, totally ignorant to the scroll they had stuck to her ass that said, 'kick me.' She had nooo idea why she was getting kicked so much.

"Ruby, don't you think this is kind of mean?" Cinder said, shuffling her feet nervously.

"Cinder, it's payback. Did you forget what she did to you?"


"Well, here's your revenge"

"I don't think everything need's to be avenged..."

"Well she's a bitch anyway"

"Hey, at least you're focusing on something other than your silly obsession with the Reaper! If you go after them, you're dead, for sure."

"The Reaper is a girl, and, no, I'm not dead for sure! She's a dragonet! Our age!"

"Have you not heard the stories? They-"

"SHE, THREE MOONS CINDER, how dense are you?"

"I just can't believe the Reaper is a girl, like you and me"

"Rude. Just because we're girls doesn't mean we're week, and besides, girls can be murderous psychopaths too!" Ruby threw her head up, and looked away. She huffed, and they sat in silence, watching dragons kick Bondfire. Ruby leaned her head on Cinder's shoulder.

"Thanks for being my friend Cinder," She whispered.

She smiled. "Thanks for being mine!" Cinder whispered back. Ruby sat promptly up.

"Come on! I wanna go exploring!"

"OKAY." Ruby took off into the sky, Cinder flying behind her.

"Hey, can you fly a little more behind me?" Ruby asked. Blinding sunlight was bouncing off her bright red scales, and giving Ruby a migraine.

"Headache? Sorry" She nodded, and slowed a little until she was behind her. It must've been a little hard for her to slow down, considering how much bigger she was. She was just a year older than Ruby, and they were both SkyWings, but she could fly much faster. In Ruby's home village, they were more focused on living your best life. Eat. Sleep. Have fun. I mean, of course they taught you how to defend yourself, hunt, and all the other basic stuff.

But in Ruby's new village, Cinder's Village, Mountain Summit of flaming dragons (That's seriously the name), dragons learned to be more of soldiers instead of happy dragons. So, Cinder had trained her whole life to fly fast, hunt well, and fight. It payed off. She was FAST.

Ruby saw a small pink dot going at what seemed like a million miles per hour. "Come on, I wanna see who that is!" Ruby put on a burst of speed, and crashed into the new dragon. It cast a couple frantic glances around, as if deciding what to do. It decided after a few seconds of falling it didn't want to be falling, so, it grabbed Ruby, and hoisted her up, while strongly flapping her wings.

Ruby surveyed the dragon. It was a girl: A RainWing. It was a pretty rose pink, with bright cyan spikes, eyes, and wings. Oh, and claws. She must really like cyan. Then her scales shifted to green, and she slowly drifted down. Ruby tumbled onto the ground, and the RainWing collapsed.

"Hey. Buddy" Ruby said, shaking the dragon. "GET UP"

"GAH!" The RainWings claws went out and back in. She looked aggressive in every way, for about a split second. The RainWing looked her up and down, and she thought she saw fear in her eyes, but it was gone before Ruby was even sure it was there.

"What's your name?" Ruby asked.

"Summer" The dragon confidently answered.

"Summer" Ruby said, trying it out, "Pretty! I'm Ruby!" Again, the flash of fear. "Hey, do I know you?"

"I don't think so. I've lived in the RainWing Kingdom my entire life... until a week ago..." Summer whimpered.

"W-what happened?"

"The Reaper."

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