Chapter 6: Firebreeze's Confession

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Summer awoke early the next morning and she decided to go and get some fresh air. When Summer arrived outside, the early morning sun shimmered off of her scales, but Summer soon discovered that she wasn't the only one awake.

She blinked and stared up at Firebreeze. "Hmm... Firebreeze? What are you doing out here so early?"

"Ohh, uh, H-Hi Summer" Firebreeze greeted her shyly, smiling warmly at Summer as she stared down at her talons.

Summer laughed and fluttered her wings, letting the wind blow through them as she answered Firebreeze. "Is something wrong, Firebreeze? Do I... do I make you uncomfortable?" Summer asked and Firebreeze's head shot up, and she stared at Summer with a wide-eyed look.

"No-No! Why would you think that?"

"I don't know... you just seem... well a little... jumpy?" Summer struggled to form the correct choice of words, as she answered Firebreeze's question.

"Oh... um... I-I uh... I just don't know to be honest." She replied with a shy smile and a nervous twitch of her tail.

"Hey Firebreeze! Hey Summer" They both spun around to see Cinder, who was flying down to meet them. She then flew down, landing onto the due covered grass, and she patted over to join them. 


It was sunhigh when Firebreeze saw Summer flying as quick as a lightning-bolt and she was carrying some strange fabric in her claws. Firebreeze got curious, so she flew up to meet her in mid-air.

"Hey, Summer. Whatcha doing? And what is that your making?"

"I'm making baskets, wanna make one? I can teach you if you want." She said, as she invited Firebreeze to sit on the grass with her, motioning with a wing for Firebreeze to come closer.

"Y-yes. I-I would love to learn how to weave a basket" Firebreeze exclaimed with a small blush tinting her cheeks. Summer handed her some of the fabric that she was using.

"Hey, Firebreeze" She shot her head up and looked to see Ruby, who was flying at top speed to land next to Firebreeze and Summer, who didn't even notice Ruby's arrival, too focused on weaving her basket.

"So, did you tell her yet?"

"N-No! Not yet. How can I? What would I even say?"

"Sheesh Firebreeze! Just get it over with, don't be such a scaredy-mouse" Ruby groans, batting Firebreeze with a wing and gesturing with her tail and pointing at Summer, who was still weaving her basket.

"Tell me what?"

Firebreeze jumped and looked directly into Summer's electric blue eyes. It was then, right at that moment, that Firebreeze blurted out what she wanted to say before she chickened out. "I-I really like you, Summer. Hey, um... could I... could I ask you something?" The RainWing tilted her head and her scales went a rose pink. 

"What is it, Firebreeze? Is everything alright?"

"Will you go out on a date with me?" Firebreeze stared down at her talons as she waited for Summer's answer.

"I-I uh, I-I yes? Yes!" Summer eventually spluttered out, and Firebreeze held back a squeal of excitement as she gave Ruby a bright, goofy grin as she turned back to Summer.


"Well it's time Firebreeze," Ruby told her friend. "You better get going, and tell me all about it when you get back, ok?" Firebreeze smiled at both Ruby and Cinder. And with that, she headed to meet Summer.

Firebreeze arrived outside and she took a breath of the cooling night air. She then spotted the familiar rose pink scales. Firebreeze grinned widely, and bounded over to the RainWing dragonet.

"So... I'm not really sure what we should do... I mean... I've never been on a date before, have you?" Firebreeze asked, and the RainWing shook her head.


Firebreeze was skipping happily back to the cave as she caught sight of her two friends waiting for her to return from her date with Orchid. Ruby turned to her with a curious look. "I assume that smile means that the date went well?" The younger SkyWing asked, and Firebreeze giggled happily.

"Yup, it went well. We just sat outside and talked about our lives and ate strawberries. Witch are now my favorite food," Firebreeze said happily. Ruby and Cinder both smiled warmly at her in response. "Well, that sounds romantic. Was it romantic?" She asked, and Firebreeze nodded.

"Yeah, we were out there till sunset." Firebreeze gestured outside to prove her point. Ruby smiled, and the four dragons then went to the study cave to talk more about it.

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