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I was sitting next to Bonzo on the bus, listening to music and watching him carve in Bree on the apple.

I started thinking about prawn.
It's really cute to be honest! I mean I wish someone loved me as much as Bonzo loves Bree or Zed loves Addie!And I really wish someone would ask me to prawn.....

But my thoughts were cut of when I saw Bonzo stand up and point at something.
"Addison... will you....." I heard Bree say. I looked over to Bree and Addie and saw the signs.

"Go to prawn with....... ZED!" She screamed asthe bus hit something and Zed was on the bus in the matter of seconds.

"OMG! Zed?" I said loudly looking to Addie and him!

"Omg zed!" Addison shouted
"Hi!." he said Just as she was gonna say something he lost his grip on the bus and fell of and the bus turned and went further into the forest.

I looked out the window to see we went further into the forest.... I saw the gate... we were in the forbidden forest..

We came to a stop and Bucky yelled.
"OUT OF MY WAY! I'm WAY to important!!" He ran out of the bus and landed face first onto the mud.

I was looking around and saw Addison looking around. "Is everyone ok?" She asked.

"Great leadership Addie" Bree said with her sweet smile.

"ZED!" She yelled and ran out of the bus.
"Addie wait!" I yelled running after her and seeing Bucky stand up and then pass out again.

I was running through the forest after Addie when I scraped my arm on a branch and a part of my jacket came off.

I looked around and saw her near the tree in front of me."Addie are you ok?" I asked as I reached her.

"Yeah... I'm ok." She said
I looked at my arm and then at Addison when we heard something...

"Hello?... who's there?" I yelled. I saw people stand around us.

One of them was on a rock in front of us. She looked beautiful. She had this gorgeous dark tanned skin. And this curly brown hair with a white strand in it...

They howled and then left..
I turned around to look at Addie cause she screamed and I saw zed holding his face...
Guessing she punched him again like last year... kinda wish I saw it.

"Omg Zed! I'm sorry!" She said hugging him.

"I missed you too." He said with a smile and took me in for a side hug."She punched you didn't she?" I asked with a chuckle. "Yup" he said laughing and then zoey came running.

"Zed we're surrounded by wolves!" She said. "What?" He said

"Are you guys ok?" Lacey asked "yeah we're fine, but we're surrounded by werewolf's!" I said. "Cool" zoey said. I just laughed and hugged her.

"What? Wolves?"

"Here. Wolves?"

"WERE-WOLVES!" The aceys said
"Yeah! We saw them!" I said

Time skip.

Later in town hall.

"Oh Addison, Kia, Are you ok?"Mrs. Wells asked.

"Yeah we're fine." I said with a smile
"I took care of them like the good and brave cousin I am!" Bucky said with his smirk.
"Someone needs to do something!" Mr. Wells said.

"yeah cuz I am always looking like a good bite!" Bucky said making me roll my eyes while Addie gave him a weird look.
"And someone will, hold my purse" Mrs. Wells said handing it to dad and walking up to the stand!

"By order of the council, the anti-monster laws are now reinstated!" She said
"WHAT! No mom that's so not fair!" Addie said. She just gave her a shush look.
I looked over to Addie and Zed.

"Addison we need to talk" He said
"Yeah we do" "Do you want to go to prawn with me?" Zed said going down on one knee.

"No" she said "Great!, What no?" He said confused
"Yeah well because of the anti-monster laws...." she started but Bucky cut her of.
"Zombies can't go to prawn HA"

"No she said Great., What no?" He said confused"Yeah well because of the anti-monster laws....."

"I'm sorry.." she said but Zed just smiled.
"What?" "When you said no... I thought you didn't like me anymore..... but we can fight it!

It's just some blood thirsty werewolves! We can take it!" He said as She laughed and hugged him.

Later in zombie-town.

I was walking around and seeing everyone running back home and every store closing.
I saw zoey and walked over.

"Hi will you help me find a were-friend?" She asked a worker." and what makes you think werewolves exist?" The worker asked.
"Because Kia saw one" She said as they both looked at me.

That worker looked awfully young. And cute. "I don't know what I saw." I said smiling at her." silly girl there are no such thing as werewolves" he said with a chuckle.

" there are I heard them howl" she said "maybe it was hiker saying howles it going?" He said.

"Zoey! Come home! And Kia you should go home too" Zevon, zeds dad said. "Coming" Zoey said hugging me and saying good bye! "Bye sweetie " I said smiling at her as she ran off then turned to the worker.

"So aren't you a little young?" I asked as he looked confused. "To be a worker" I added
"I get that a lot." He said with a laugh.
"Im Kia and you are?" I asked

"Wouldn't you like to know pup?" he said smiling as he walked off. "Yeah, I would " I said after him

There's something about him.... And man is he good looking. He looks so familiar though like I have known him for a while.

A new wolf (Wyatt Lykensen x Kia Everhart) Where stories live. Discover now