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I stood beside Addison and Bree in the white, pink, and green outfit.

"Okay, are there any more nominees for president? Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang. Anybody, anybody want to hang? Just... anyone want to hang out? Anyone? Oh, we could come up with our very own complicated high five. That'd be fun, huh? Like... Oooh..." Principal Lee rambled on, embarrassing herself as she did SO.

Everyone was awkwardly looking between themselves at her speech. Once she was finished, Bonzo started up the band, which meant the cheerleaders had to scream and cheer for Bucky.

He flipped to the stage as Seabrook coloured confetti rained down, a large poster of bucky on display.

"Good job!" Principal Lee began as she offered the boy a high five, "Okay." She finished, awkwardly lowering her hand when Bucky didn't want a high five.

"Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. Me!" Bucky grinned as the students and cheerleaders cheered his name, dancing along to the beat of the music and the chanting of his peers.

I saw Bree catch Bonzo's eye, and the next thing I knew Zed was stumbling down the bleachers towards the stage. "Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!" Bucky hadn't noticed people had stopped cheering and that the music had gone flat- or maybe he did and refused to stop boosting his ego.

He only stopped when Zed landed on the stage, pushing the boy into Principal Lee.

"Zombie strong!" Zed yelled, raising his hands as the crowd began to cheer for him. Addison looked at me in confusion, she shrugged it off with a smile on her face as she cheered for the zombie boy.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president." More cheers erupted from the crowd, but Bucky was unimpressed.

He turned to Principal Lee. "Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky exclaimed this and, Principal Lee tried to get him to be quiet.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." Addison told him getting nods from her peers who supported Zed.

"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky." Principal Lee said getting off stage.

Bucky shouted, shocked. "What?!" "A zombie president? Ew!" Lacey expressed her distaste, the other two Acey's agreeing.
They were outruled by the cheers for Zed.

"Zed as the first zombie president? Sounds good, doesn't it Addie?" I nudged Addison, grinning as the boy thought over his next words.

"Okay. If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" Zed declared, gaining cheers from everyone as the band played once more, everyone screaming out Zed's name in happiness.

"Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed!" Zed himself was the one to start the chant, but by the end, there wasn't a person who wasn't cheering for him.

Once the cheering for his name died down, he continued to speak, "As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and..." Zed trailed off as Bree interrupted, half-questioning, half-shocked.

"Werewolves?" She pointed backwards, and zed let out a chuckle, not seeing the wolves.

"Uh, no. Why would we want... WEREWOLVES!" At Zed's words, the doors burst open, the wolves strutting through.
Everyone began to scream and run away, the football team In front of me and Addie.

"There they are!" One of the three leading wolves exclaimed, pointing in the direction of me and Addie. They began to move closer, so Zed took action. "Football team! Defence, Z 24!" He ordered, the team nodding and moving into position.

They were defending me and Addison, only one of which actually felt scared. "Right! Let's go Mighty Shrimp!" The team yelled as they finalized their position of defence in front of us.

The wolves moved closer, I recognized one of them as the worker from a few days ago.. Beside the main girl was a boy. A boy that I know from a mile away and on his other side was another girl.

"Where's the moonstone, white hairs?" The main wolf called out to them, and Addison peaked her head over the football players in confusion. "I think you've got the wrong people." Addison stammered at the wolf girl, nervous.

I looked over to Zed and Eliza. "Uh, Eliza? What are you doing?" Zed asked as Eliza climbed her way up to him, a plan in mind.

"Let's smash our Z-bands and zombie out. We can use our strength to fend them off." Eliza excitedly suggested, already in a fighting position.

"We can't lose control. We are not monsters." Zed disagreed, trying to get the girl to stay civil.

"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." The other girl said menacingly, raising her claws and baring her teeth.

Everyone gasped, terrified, backing further away from the wolves. "Too much?" The wolf girl squeaked, looking over to the other wolves.

They gave her a dry look. "Wolves! On my command!" The main wolf yelled as everyone else followed her actions.
Their fangs seemed to lengthen slightly, their eyes glowing a yellow-orange.

"Willa. We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." Somehow, I managed to pick up on the wolf-boy's words. "I hate it when you're right." Wolf-girl, named Willa, muttered.

Her voice then got louder as she addressed all of the wolves. "Wolves, stand down." They all relaxed, their eyes fading back to their normal colours, as did their necklaces.

Willa placed a fake smile on her face as she stared at the crowd who still looked in fear.
"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school." Willa said, getting shocked looks from the Seabrook students.

"What? They can't join our school." Bucky scoffed, sounding disgusted at the simple idea.

"Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district." Coach stated with a shrug.

Addison grinned, grabbing my arm. "So, welcome to Seabrook!" Addison and me said smiling as she pulled Me under the team's arms, waving our joined arm at the werewolves.

I shot Wyatt an annoyed look as I caught him staring at me. Without a word, I spun on my heel and made my way down the hallway. I could hear a door slam shut behind me, but I didn't look back.

"Kia, wait!" Wyatt's voice echoed after me, but I ignored him. I couldn't face him right now, not after what I had just learned. A part of me wanted to scream, to lash out at him for keeping such a big secret from me. But another part of me knew that he had his reasons.

Finally, I stopped running, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. "Why wouldn't you tell me that you were a werewolf?" I demanded when Wyatt finally caught up to me.

"Kia, I'm sorry," he said, his voice soft. "I couldn't tell you. It's complicated."

"Complicated? That's all you have to say?" My frustration was evident in my voice.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I just couldn't risk it," Wyatt explained.

"Risk what?" I threw up my hands in frustration. "I thought we were best friends. You couldn't even tell me your real identity."

"Kia, please," Wyatt said, pleading with me. "I'm sorry. I know it's a lot to take in."

"Whatever, Wyatt," I said, my voice cold. I tossed my Pom Poms onto the ground, the sound of them hitting the pavement echoing between us. "I need some time alone."

With that, I took off running again, this time toward the camper. I didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to deal with any of this right now. I needed time to process everything.

A new wolf (Wyatt Lykensen x Kia Everhart) Where stories live. Discover now