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I walk back to my home with my bag in hand. Once I walk in I see my mom crying with my father not home.

"Hey momma what's wrong..?" I asked concerning.

"Your father hit me. Again." She answers this has happened many times and every time something like this happened I was told to go camping.

"I'll go pack." I say. My mother nodded and I started to pack clothes for school tomorrow and some clothes for tonight.

I also packed my cheer outfit in my bag. I grabbed my phone, charger, school bag, and more.

I walked out of the house saying goodbye to my mom.

I walked to the camper and driving it to a forest. I got an outfit out of my bag. I put on some jean shorts and a white cropped spaghetti strap.

I grabbed my phone putting it into my back pocket and walked out locking the door.

I found a flower patch and sat there for a minute. I got on my phone and started my cheer music doing the mighty shrimp cheer. I ran across the field a little doing a round off back tuck, landing it.

I did my jumps until I felt someone grab ahold of my waist as I did my middle jump. I screamed.

I heard laughing and I remembered the sound of laughter he made. Wyatt!!

"Oh my god Wyatt!" I yelled. He set me down and I hugged him immediately. He lifted me off the ground and spinned me around.

"Hey Pup." He said. He always called me pup, showing I was a few months younger than him.

"Are you camping?" He asked and I shook my head. "Is your mom with you?" He asked. "No she-" that's when I got cut off by my phone ringing.

It was momma.

"Hey momma!" I say I see that she has been crying her eyes are puffy and bright red. "Hey Mrs. Everhart." Wyatt says.

"Wyatt is that you?" She asked he shook her head and a small smile. "Hi sweetheart I miss you hanging out with Kia every summer." She said.

I hear a slam and mom turned around. "What the hell are you talking to?!" My dad's voice rang.

"Your daughter.." mom stuttered nervously. "Get you ass back to this house Kia Anne Everhart." My dad yelled at me.

And with that mom hung up the phone. I looked at Wyatt as he was in shock. "What happened? Your dad was so nice and few years ago." He said.

"My dad began to drink a lot and now he abuses my mom and screams at me and her every day." I say.

He hugged me and I hugged back. I looked up at it is now sunset.

"I better get back to the camper." I say to him looking up at my best friend.

"I'll walk you there" he says I shake my head and he hold hands walking to the camper so we wouldn't lose each other.

We arrive at the camper and he hugs me tightly.

"Bye Wyatt loved seeing you and I missed you so much." I smile at him. "Bye little pup." He said.

I walked into the camper changing into some pajamas laying down into the bed falling asleep.


I woke up to my ring tone going off for my alarm, when I officially look again it I see it's Addison calling me.

"Hey Addie.." I say in a tired voice. "Kia you need to get to school now it's about to start!" Addison says to me.

"Shoot! Bye Addie!" I say and hurry change into my cheer uniform. I hurry and put my cheer shoes on grabbing my book bag and running out of the forest.

I run out cutting my leg open on the fence. I keep running making it to school. "Hey Addie!" I say out of breath. "You okay? You cut your leg open." Addie says.

"Yep!" I say I take my Pom Poms out of my book bag going to auditorium for the candidate introduction.

A new wolf (Wyatt Lykensen x Kia Everhart) Where stories live. Discover now