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I wake up to see Wyatt out of bed and Willa in the room. I sit up on my elbows seeing Willa look at me motioning her head to me.

Wyatt looks back at me with a smile. "Morning pup." He says. "Morning.." I say softly. "H-hi Willa.." I stutter.

"Hey." She says, with a small smile.

I cuddled back into the sheets closing my eyes back. "Get up." Wyatt says I groan softly as Willa and Wyatt chuckle.

I sit up and grab my cheer outfit walking to the bathroom putting it on, when I started getting pains in my mouth like teeth growing.

I look into the mirror to see my hair having more white in it than before and fangs my nails grew to be purple claws.

"Wyatt!" I yell, he runs into the bathroom. He looks at my hair to my nails. "Wyatt my teeth.." I say and open my mouth.

"You're a werewolf!" Wyatt yells. He picks me up by my waist and spins me around.

I smile as he set me down grabbed my hand running to see Willa. "Willa she's a werewolf!" Wyatt yelled.

"What?" She asked confused. I stand behind Wyatt. "Pup it's okay.." Wyatt says softly.

I stand beside him and shows Willa my hair nails and fangs. "You are a wolf!" Willa says in shock. I shake me head in excitement.

"Okay pup I gotta get dressed" Wyatt says I nod to him as he kissed my cheek. I turned a red color blushing, watching him walk away with a smile.

Willa looked at me with a small grin. "You like Wyatt don't you?" Willa ask, I look at her and shrug my shoulders.

"You so do!" She smiled. "Okay maybe a little." I say and see Wyatt walk down looking at me.

"Hey pup." Wyatt says bringing me into him with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. "Hey Wy." I say looking at him with a smile with Willa who just smirks.

I roll my eyes at her as we all start to walk to school. I start coughing randomly as we made it to school.

My necklace turned yellow. Wyatt looked at me and I smiled. "Your okay pup.." Wyatt says wrapping his arms around me.

I nodded as we walked in. Willa started growling at kids who crossed her path. Wyatt had his arm wrapped around my shoulder bringing me into him.

"These sheep just let us in? Baaaad idea." Willa said walking.

"Willa you said you would play nice." Wyatt said looking at his sister. Willa looked at us and rolled her eyes.

"This is me playing nice!" She said walking to some lockers which one of them happened to be mine, scratching them.

I looked at Wyatt with a worried look he looked down at me. "Now let's find that moonstone." Willa said I look back to see winter at the water fountain drinking some then somewhat walking fast to come back to the pack

We pass Zed and Eliza and I smile to them softly. That's when the bell rang and all the Werewolf's howled I jumped slightly away from Wyatt.

We all walked to our classes.


I was sitting down reading a book when I see Winter right next to Bree. Winter ripped a page off of Bree's homework and I look at her in shock.

"Hey that dog just ate my homework!" Bree said as Addison took a seat in between me and Bree.

I go back to reading until I hear a slam on the table I look up to see Willa. "Lies!" She yells. "These history books claims that werewolves struck first!" Willa says.

A new wolf (Wyatt Lykensen x Kia Everhart) Where stories live. Discover now