The Journey Begins

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"You both are prone to success, you have my support, my love, the strength of our ancestors to guide you along with the lessons you were taught. I know you will make us proud." A wise woman speaks while grasping the hands of two young women in front of her.

The woman on the left scoffs at the final sentence and the woman next to her furrows her brow in annoyance as well. The older woman before them sighs, with a shake to her head. If she knew her daughters, they did not liked how she phrased the last sentence.

"I know that your father has hurt you both-"

"Hurt isn't even the word." The second woman speaks up with a grit to her teeth.

"But, I didn't just mean myself and him. I mean your siblings and everyone in the village has your back if anything goes wrong on your journey. You girls will be gone an entire year," their mother pursed her lips to keep them from quivering and squeezed each hand, as a way to have a hold on them for a little bit longer.

"I can only send you off with my prayers for your safe return and a piece of my heart. Do not forget your home, your teachings and most importantly," she gives them both a pointed look.

"Do not forget yourselves. Take care of one another, protect each other and come and visit when you have the time." She tells them and her daughters nod their heads.

Their mother, Kaya pulls her daughters to her chest, almost smothering them in a hug. A kiss is placed on each daughter's head and she slowly releases them.

"You are my twins, one of the many in the brood that looks like me," this earns a smile from her daughters until Kaya straightens her back as she notices the sun was beginning to set in the distance. It was time.

"Now, you must go and foresee how your talents will help change the world. I love you both and wish for your safe return. Find Sakonji Urokodaki, he will help you on your journey." Her daughters nod their heads and turn to leave the large home they had grew up in with their extended family. Kaya let's out a shaky breath as soon as she hears the front door close, the waterworks begin.

Tears fell down her cheeks as Kaya took a deep breath and then stood from her knelt form. Her eyebrows narrow in distain as she looks to her left.

"Still a coward, then? Too afraid to even see your own daughters go off on their own journeys?" She spoke to the looming black figure in the doorway. They shuffle away from Kaya's sight and the older woman scoffs in disbelief.

"Hmph." Kaya leaves the room and heads to the kitchen to begin dinner.


The sun had finally taken it's rest for the day and the moon came to sit prettily in the cloudy blue sky.

"Come Aicha. We begin our mission tonight." Aicha, looks at her sister who is already heading uphill taking out one of the weapons sitting on her hip.

"Yes Amara, tonight we will prove to our family that we are the best of the best." Aicha says and Amara chuckles with a nod.

"Yes, sister. We've always been the best."

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