Character Sheet

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Both descendants from the legendary black samurai in Japan Yasuke.

Amara Nwadike

Age: 19 (Chapter 1)
21 (by the end of series)

Birthday: April 14, 1891

Gris-gris: wears around waist to ward off evil spirits and demons; carries a sack of wisteria as a precaution

Dual wielder: Flyssa and The Knobkerrie

Attire: Haint blue kimono with white and light blue coloring on it Gakuran top with five buttons open showing off left side of breasts, a white/grey tube top shown beneath

She has the Knobkerrie on her back and her Flyssa on her hip
A black skirt with a slit on both sides of hips
Long haint blue socks that stop over the knees and kyahans

When going on missions, applies white war paint on the chin and under the eyes

History: Amara was born as a twin on a harsh, windy and rainy day, being the 3rd oldest of her nine siblings (five boys, four girls) raised by both mother and father, where her mother is a descendant of the legendary only black samurai Yasuke, and showing all of her brothers and sisters the way of both the samurai and the Dambe boxing style. Amara was closest to her father due to him educating her how to repair weapons and make them from scratch, including ninchirin swords. She remembers that fateful night when she lost both her grandparents and even her father telling her younger twin sister to kill their turning grandmother and since then there has been a rift between her father and herself. She keeps in contact with her mother and siblings, mostly her mother to read about her letters about her father's declining health. Her family live in a village where they are all from each parts of the continent known as Africa and have created their own countryside towards the mid-west of Japan. Their village's name is Ikkoku.

Personality: Amara is a kindhearted person in her and Aicha's village, willing to help others before herself but, when angered or annoyed will have a sickly smile and have no filter to retort some sass to someone if needed. (She has a bit of Shinobu's fake smile persona just a bit more scary). Her dream is that demons be finally destroyed and peace returns to Japan, she has a hatred towards demons but once she meets the Kamado siblings, her ideas of hate towards demons are recanted to feeling bad and becomes good friends with them, she sees them as younger siblings. She and her twin sister made a pact with the Kamado siblings to offer them sanctuary and protection in their village and in their presence if other organizations try and track them down, Nezuko especially.

Abilities: Breath of the Cosmos, the "way of the warrior" (bushido), capoeira, dambe, and Zulu stick fighting. Amara and her siblings has also learned how to fight from other warriors that reside in their village.


Aicha Nwadike

Age: 19 (Chapter 1)
21 (by end of series)

Birthday: April 14, 1891

Charms: An amulet in the shape of the Aruban Goddess of the sea, flowers, and all things beautiful, Oshun. It is a grey and black charm wrapped into a bracelet (left wrist) and a opal set beneath Oshun's chin.

Weapons: Assegai and a ninchirin sword given to her by an old master. Her ninchirin sword's scabbard has blue dots and white patterns forming squares around the blue dots. The blade itself has a comet that reaches from tip to end. It changed a dark blue and then switched over to a bright white color. Often dual wields but, uses Assegai more than ninchirin sword.

Attire: Dark blue and light blue colored kimono, dark blue gakuran with short sleeves, dark blue skort, black stockings and kyahans.

History: Born ten seconds after her twin sister Amara, Aicha was born smaller. Since she was a toddler, her mother trained her and her siblings the way of the samurai as her previous ancestors were taught as her father taught her how to mend and make swords after they have been destroyed. That even includes ninchirin swords demon slayers use. Her family is associated with the infamous sword smith village and and has multiple rest stops and repair shops around the countryside. Aicha and her family live in a village where they are all from each parts of the continent known as Africa and have created their own countryside towards the mid-west of Japan.

Aicha pretty much grew up into a wonderful family with an even more eventful life however, one night during a festival, her parents and siblings went out while Aicha who was shy and introverted decided to stay behind with her grandparents. There is a blur as to what occurred at this point but, unfortunately, it was Aicha who was the only one who witnessed her paternal grandmother killed by a demon that was once her grandfather. Frozen in fear, she couldn't help her and watched as her grandmother was devoured by the monster. Her mother and father made it back in time with her siblings and destroyed the creature then, as punishment her father made Aicha kill her grandmother who was slowly turning into a demon. Since then, Aicha refuses to be in contact with her father out of fear that he would make her do something against her will once more. She does not talk with her father but often sends letters to her siblings and mother as a way to check up on them. Aicha was the first to meet the Kamado siblings after finding Urokodaki and had hesitance to interact with the siblings, especially learning Nezuko was a demon but, after learning of Nezuko's refusal to eat humans and showing her worth as still the person she was as a human, she has learned to love them as if they were her younger siblings. She and Amara have made a pact to protect them if any other organizations try to hurt them.

Personality: reserved, kind, headstrong, stubborn (sometimes), compassionate, always shows a great deal of determination when it comes to her family and friends in the means of protecting them. Sometimes is afraid to ask for help, her social anxiety often prevents her from doing so.

Abilities: Breath of the Stars and some forms of Breath of Darkness. She has the strength of ten men (has the same strength as Mitsuri), uses her mother's style of fighting when she was living overseas which are: the "way of the warrior" (bushido), capoeira, dambe, and a bit of Zulu stick fighting. Aicha has also learned from other known warriors in her village and their styles of fighting.

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