And if I say to you tomorrow

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April 1969

I could not wait to get out of school. For the millionth time I was so grateful to hear the bell ring, announcing the end of the day. I rushed out and met up with Karen. We ambled along the street to the record shop. Karen was anxious to get the latest Bob Dylan album, Nashville Skyline. Karen absorbed everything and she was absolutely determined to know everything as well. Today the shop was hopping and we began to browse the aisles. Karen found the album and left to greet some friends, while I continued to peruse. A guy in front of me had a few vinyls in a stack on top and he was combing through the section in front of him. I glanced at the album on top. It was bright yellow and had cursive writing on it. He noticed me looking and tapped the album with his finger. He said,
"Wait until you listen to the first track on side-B." Then he went back to searching. I tapped his shoulder.
"But, who is it?" I asked.
"Rod Stewart."
I went to the "S" section and after flipping through I found the album. For $4 I decided to buy it.

Later that evening I pulled out the record and set the needle down. I recognized the first track: it was a cover of the Stones "Street Fighting Man". I liked the album so far, so I flipped it over to the other side. Rod's gritty voice shouted,
"Did you ever stand and shiver
While looking at a freezing river
Have you froze to the bone
With just a coat to keep you warm
To keep you from a howlin' wind"
I just could not believe my ears. This was absolutely amazing!

It's true I loved taking photos, but with all the music swirling around, I decided to take up writing as well. Before school got out I finished my article on Led Zeppelin's performance at the Whiskey A Go Go in January. I sent it around to more local magazines. On May 10th, I received a letter from Rock Star Reads. I opened it and there was a letter requesting me for an interview. I couldn't believe it. As I lay in bed that night I debated. Here was an opportunity to not only be in the world of rock and roll, but there was the possibility of meeting the stars I so admired. Not to mention, lots of opportunities to take pictures. I rolled over. I had enough money saved from the part-time job I worked at after school.
"I can do it!" I whispered.

The next day I tried talking to my parents about the opportunity. Surprisingly, my mom was all for it. My dad however, was not.
"Dad, this will be a new adventure for me. I'll be able to make money and I'll be pursuing what I love most." We were in the kitchen and I was helping mom make dinner.
"Los Angeles is far away and you are only 16 years old." He looked as if he wouldn't budge on his opinion. I peeled the potatoes and tried to brainstorm how else I could convince him to let me go.
"Daddy, you let Sam go when he wanted to become a pilot." Dad interjected,
"That's different. He was a boy." My mom went to call my siblings for dinner.
"We'll continue this conversation later," she said when she came back. After dinner it was just us in the kitchen cleaning up. I needed this job! I had set my heart on meeting rock stars.
"Beverly, will you take the trash out." My mom asked. I made a face, but obeyed. When I got back dad motioned for me to come over. I came over and he put his hands on my shoulders and said,
"Your mother feels that it is time to let you spread your wings." His eyes began to fill with tears. "I want my little girl to follow her dreams." I leaned into his hug. Mom came over and wrapped her arms around us. And in this moment of love, I knew I could do anything.


November 1969

After doing an article on Led Zeppelin my boss at the time, Mrs. Kelston, asked me to come to her office. Once I was seated she said,
"Beverly, let me start by praising your articles. Well done!" I smiled and soaked it in. She continued, "I called you in today because I was going to send one of our journalists to England to do an interview with Led Zeppelin, but they've had a family emergency and can't go. Would you be willing to take this assignment?" I was absolutely delighted! "Of course the flying costs will be covered by us, and we will put you in a decent hotel. However, you will have to pay for your own food and any other expenses that come up." That sounded like a groovy agreement to me. England!

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