My shoe is untied

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June 2nd, 1973

Led Zeppelin was halfway through their ninth American tour. I joined them in San Francisco and accompanied them for the majority of the remaining tour. I had on denim cut offs, a white tank top, and my favorite red Converse shoes. I was leaning against Led Zeppelin's limousine that was going to take them briefly to their hotel and then on to their gig at Kezar Stadium. I recognized some of the roadies that emerged from the door and smiled when I saw Jimmy. He had on jeans and a spacey white velvet button up shirt. As soon as he saw me, he held up his hands and shouted,
"Busted my hand in LA!" I took a picture and called back, as he continued to walk towards me,
"How did that happen?" He reached me and said,
"I was leaning on the fence and signing autographs. Suddenly, it just gave and my hand twisted or something." He flipped his hands around for another picture. "Hurts like hell," he said, smiling grimly.
"I'm sorry," I said reaching out to gently touch his hand.
"Bevie, do me a favor will you?" He asked. I nodded good humoredly.
"Anything for you Jimmy."
"My shoe is untied," he said looking down and then back up with his hands. I crouched down to tie his shoe.

Kezar Stadium:

The band arrived in the late afternoon at the stadium. 50,000 people showed up for the concert and they covered the football field and stands. It was warm today with a clear sky. I had on a loose pair of jeans and a red blouse. The band arrived in a limousine later in the afternoon. Bonzo was in a tank top and jeans. Jonesy had on a tricky jacket and jeans. Robert too, was wearing jeans, sitting extremely low on his hips and held up with a belt, while his blue shirt with puffed sleeves hung open. Jimmy was clad in an all white suit.

The band made their way to the stairs at the back of the stage and climbed up. Most of the journalists and photographers with backstage passes followed them, but I wound my way underneath the stage with a few of them to the front, in a closed off section. I heard the beginning of 'Rock And Roll' and a rolling cheer reached my ears.

I climbed back through the maze underneath the stage and up the back stairs. My white backstage pass flapped in the breeze.
Bonzo pounded out the ending and there was a massive roar of applause. Jimmy exchanged his guitar for the next song and Robert talked to the audience. I heard something and turned my head to see white doves being released from behind the amps. They flew out across the stage towards the audience, but one of them turned back around. Robert held out his hand and the dove came to land. It was only there briefly, but what a priceless moment. It took off again after a few seconds and he glanced at me and grinned. He took a swig of beer, then walked to the middle of the stage and threw his hand up in the air. During the song, I climbed up on some of the equipment to get a higher shot of Jimmy with his cherry red double necked guitar. I walked back and forth behind the stage to get pictures. When I heard the opening chords of 'Moby Dick,' I decided to see if some of them were taking a break. I found Robert and Jonesy sitting on a box and visiting. I didn't want to interrupt, so I crouched slightly behind another box to get a shot. I was grateful I was wearing looser jeans, because it had allowed me to maneuver around well. I was just focusing my camera for another picture, when Jonesy looked right at the lense and said,
"Beverly? Is that you over there?" I came out from behind the box and he and Robert laughed.
"What are you doing hiding back there?" Jonesy asked. I smiled.
"I didn't want to interrupt you guys," I said, my camera swinging from my neck and my hands in my pockets.
"No worries, Bevie dear. You're welcome with us," Robert said. Jonesy got up to get another beer and Robert beckoned with his hand for me to come sit with him. Jimmy came over to visit with us. He had a cup of ice with him and his face was twisted in pain because of his hand. Robert drained his beer and said to me,
"Bev, I hate to do this, but will you fetch me another one?" He batted his eyelashes and I took the empty bottle and went searching for another.

They returned to the stage after Bonzo had blasted himself into oblivion, and began their final number.

"You need cooling
Baby I'm not fooling
I'm gonna send ya
Back to schooling,"

I watched them for a bit and then got my camera ready. Jimmy turned around and slung his guitar to the side. He turned a dial to adjust the theremin, then put his hands on either side of the antennae, his eyes squeezed shut in concentration. A shrill wail was thrown around with every wave of his hand.

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