Chapter 1

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Sophie POV:
Sophie Foster looked down  and reread the note again. She couldn't believe that this was really happening... She would finally get to show everyone what the Happiest Place On Earth really was like! But, could Mr. Forkle really get her a leaping crystal to the Forbidden Cities for a reason as silly as this? In his note, he had written;
"Dear Sophie,
I realize that the time has come for you to explain your roots to all of your friends and family here in the Lost Cities. In one week, I will be coming by your house to collect you and everyone else. You may choose any place you would like to visit, but you must make sure that you don't get recognized by your parents, whatever you do. I will also be arranging for Amy to be meeting us at the rendezvous point near your old house. I hope you know where you would like to go, and that you will pack enough clothes to be gone for 2 weeks.

Mr. Forkle"

She rummaged through the backpack full of clothing she'd gotten on her last trip to the storage place in Mysterium until she found what she was looking for; a large gray hoodie with a picture of a very friendly, very animated mouse on the front. Sophie needed to hail everyone to tell them about the upcoming trip, but couldn't, seeing as her Imparter had gone missing again. She finally decided to just go tell everyone in person, so she started heading up to the fourth floor, to the Leapmaster. She thought about who to tell first, then turned the facet, and called out "Everglen".

When Sophie got to Everglen, Fitz and Biana were sitting in front of the mansion reading.  She walked up to them and said. "Hi! I haven't spoken to you guys in a while. I've been getting ready for midterms, and my Imparter is missing again.

"Oh, hi Sophie!" Biana said, shocked when she looked up from the book. "Why are you here right now- not that we don't like having you around all the time," Biana added quickly.

"Well, I have some exciting news!"
Sophie told Fitz and Biana about Mr. Forkle's letter, and how she'd be taking all of them to Disney World. Suddenly, she noticed the covers on the books that they'd been reading when she came. They both read "Harry Potter" on the front.

"You guys are reading Harry Potter?" Sophie asked with a grin. "I honestly didn't think anyone here knew what that was."

"They don't," Biana replied. "We found them in Kenric's old library. You know, the one from his cache?"

"Yeah, I know which one you're talking about. But, if that library is thousands of years old, how did a book that was only written 25 years ago get there?" Sophie pondered aloud.

"That's a good question. I'm wondering though, do humans actually think that elves are short little ugly creatures who just work for everyone, refusing pay?" Fitz asked, failing to stifle his laugh.

"I don't think they actually think that, but it does seem funny now that I know what you actually look like," Sophie answered.
"Well-not you specifically..." Sophie added, blushing. She was pretty sure that at this point, her face probably looked as red as a strawberry.

Fitz POV:
Fitz led Sophie into the house, still blushing furiously. He hated himself for the little bit of his crush on Sophie that showed through his red cheeks. He managed to shake it off before Sophie noticed... he thought... Fitz had been trying to figure out his feelings for Sophie since they all fled to Alluvetere. That had been almost 4 months ago already. Now he was stuck on how to tell Sophie about the new development. He kept trying to figure out how she might react, but every time he tried, he imagined a completely different result.

Fitz shook himself out of his thoughts, and turned to see Sophie staring at him looking very confused.

"What happened just now?"

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