Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so happy right now, because I have just randomly been getting a whole bunch of followers in the last little bit, and it makes me so happy! I wanted to dedicate this chapter to my 20th follower, (and thank you to all my  other followers too!) KeeperFriendsForEver .

Tam POV:
    Sophie and Keefe came downstairs only a couple of minutes after Biana had gone up to get them. Tam noticed that they were holding hands. Apparently Fitz noticed it too, because he was now looking anywhere but at Keefe while glowering. Soon, it was pretty much all anyone noticed. A minute later, Biana came down also. Tam noticed that she had changed her shoes, and that she was now wearing a teal hairpin that perfectly matched her eyes. Not that he noticed her eyes, or anything like that. He mentally chided himself for focusing on the wrong thing. He cleared his throat loudly, and said "So, Sophie... Why did you tell us to come here?"

                                    Dex POV:
    Sophie looked at Tam, blushing when she saw that he was staring at her and Keefe's joined hands. She looked at Keefe, who gave her an encouraging smile, before she replied. "You're here because the Black Swan decided that we all need a vacation. At least- that's what Mr. Forkle made it sound like in the letter he sent me..."
Everyone was staring intently at her now. Dex asked "Where are we going?"
Sophie turned to him and said "I was just getting to that part. It was left up to me, and actually, Dex, it's funny that you're the one to ask."
He looked at her, making it very clear that he didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"We're going to my house?" he asked, confusedly.

"No... We're going to Disney World!"

                                Marella POV:
    Dex heard that they would be going to some place called Dizznee World, and he started grinning madly, displaying his adorable dimples as he smiled. It wasn't as if she liked Dex or anything, but... He was super cute. And she always blushed around him. Oops, apparently she was doing that now, she noted, when Dex turned away from her while blushing hard. She tried not to notice the fact that his strawberry blonde hair looked even more prominent when he blushed, or that the tunic he'd decided to wear that day perfectly complimented his periwinkle eyes, but she failed. She needed to get this out of her head, not really sure how Dex even got into her head in the first place, so she asked Sophie "What exactly is Dex World?"

Dex snapped up his head at the question, and started blushing even more furiously. But it wasn't Sophie who answered her. It was Dex. "It's Disney World. Also known as the place where Sophie wears fairy wings, and takes pictures with people in giant mouse suits." He said, trying to turn the attention away from himself by making a joke about Sophie.

Sophie groaned, then said "What he means is... It's a place where you can meet all the Disney characters, and go on movie themed rides."
When Sophie saw the confused looks on her friend's faces, she gasped.
"Have I never shown you the magic that is Disney movies?!"

"Uhhh, nope," Marella said immediately.

"Wait! Hold on! I need to leap back home and make a quick hail to Councillor Terik!"

"Okaaaayyyy..." Marella answered before everyone else.

                                Sophie POV:
    Sophie leapt back home, then ran up to her room, and suddenly realized that she had no Imparter. She remembered now... Rex, Bex, and Lex had taken it on her last sleepover with everyone else at Dex's place. She also realized that it was now sitting on her desk, with a note on it that read: "Sorry the triplets took it. I did rig it to connect to your iPod though. I found an app called Find My Device, and it now works with that.

    Sophie picked up her Imparter, pressed the button, and said "Hail Councillor Terik." When Terik's face filled the tiny screen, he looked intrigued, probably because he wanted to know why she hailed him.

"Hi Sophie! So nice to speak to you again! I honestly didn't even remember that I had given you permission to hail me. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. I just wanted to know if you might be able to get me into Mysterium again, so I can get something from my human room, archive, situation, thing..."

Terik thought for a minute before saying "Yes. I guess so."
"Thank you so much! I'll try to keep you more updated from now on." Sophie hastily promised.

"Okay. I need to go attend to an important matter now, so I'll send you an official scroll pertaining to when I can get you there as soon as possible." Terik promised.

Sophie hung up, and at once got to work, trying to remember where her human parents had hidden the DVD case. She did remember that, thankfully, they had pretty much every Disney movie known to mankind. She leapt back to Everglen, and hastily finished explaining the details of the trip. Once everyone else left, Keefe took Sophie's hand again, and together, they leapt to Havenfield.

    The next 2 days passed by without incident, and with a lot of mallowmelt. When Sophie got home from Foxfire, she found a note from Councillor Terik telling her to be ready for him to come pick her up at 7PM sharp, to go to Mysterium.

    At 7:00, Sophie was leapt away to go search her old house's archive. She got there, and found that, thankfully, nobody had known how to re-mount the TV onto the wall. She put her arm on it, and with her hand on the DVD case, her and Terik leapt away again. After thanking Terik profusely, followed by his departure, Sophie hailed Dex.

                                Dex POV:
    When Sophie hailed him at 8PM, Dex was extremely confused. He answered her hail, and as soon as her face came up on the screen she asked him a question. "If I have a human TV and DVD player, do you think you can tweak them to be solar powered?" Sophie asked.
"I- guess so..." was Dex's response. Sophie thanked him, then hung up.

    The next morning, he woke up, and found a note from his sister, Bex.
"You're not-girlfriend, Sophie came by earlier. She dropped off some human tech, and we want to know how it works. Can you wake up and come downstairs to look at it?"

Dex sighed, and ran downstairs, without even brushing his hair or changing out of pajamas.

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