Chapter 3

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A/N: I just want to dedicate this chapter to my first ever follower, @Teamfosterkeefe999!!!! Thank y'all so much to everyone who's actually reading whatever this is....

                                Sophie POV:
"Yes, Sophie. You can tell me anything." Keefe replied gently.
Sophie took another deep breath, and then said "Keefe..."
"Keefe, I don't know if I can do this. I want to say it, I do... But... I just can't."

"So then why don't you let me do the talking?" Keefe said.

"Okay," Sophie sniffled.

"Sophie," Keefe began. "Sophie, I like you. I do, a lot. I've wanted to tell you for almost 2 years, but you've always liked Fitz, so..." Keefe trailed off.

"Have I been both that obvious, and that oblivious? How many people knew about my previous crush on Fitz? And have you ever tried telling me that, well... You know...?" Sophie bombarded Keefe with questions.

"Apparently you have. And- wait... What do you mean your previous crush on FItz?" Keefe inquired.

"I mean, that's what I was just trying to tell you, Keefe. I really like you..." Sophie felt the tears slipping down her cheeks again.

"Wait, what?" Keefe did a double take.

"Yeah. For a few months now, I think. I just realized about an hour ago or so. That's what was going on when you got here." Sophie said, her face turning nuclear again. Her heart turned all fluttery when she realized how close her and Keefe were still sitting. Keefe must've noticed the change in her mood, because he started to move away. Sophie grabbed his hand, and whispered "No. Don't leave me. Don't ever leave me again."

"I won't." Keefe responded, looking every bit as serious as he sounded.
That brought on a whole new wave of sobbing, so she sat there, cradled in Keefe's arms, head still buried in his chest, until they subsided. Sophie calmed down yet again, and when Keefe gazed into her eyes, he sighed.

"What? Is everything okay with my eyes? Do they look really bad? I'm probably a mess right now. I'm so sorry Keefe. Please don't hate me." Sophie managed to choke out.

"Sophie, you could never look bad, and I could never hate you. You will always be beautiful, and I will always love you."

Sophie's brain screamed "THIS IS IT!" as she looked up once again to meet Keefe's smoldering gaze. Keefe leaned in, reaching around Siphie's back with one hand, using the other to clasp her hand in his. His finger was still tracing patterns on Sophie's hand, and the flutters in Sophie's stomach were going wild. And then he kissed her. All she could think was "Keefe Sencen is kissing me!"

Soon- too soon, in Sophie's opinion, it ended. Sophie's mind was still racing when Keefe leaned back slightly, looking peaceful. She thought her face might catch on fire if it burned any hotter. "Foster, you know you're adorable when you blush like that, right?" Keefe teased her. That is, before turning beet red himself.

And Sophie was so blissfully happy. She didn't even care anymore if her face was way past firetruck red. She didn't care if Keefe could feel her flutters from across the world. She didn't care if she melted into him, just to be in his arms.

Keefe took her hand in his, and patted his shoulder. "Y'know, there's plenty of room over here." He said, grinning. And there was. His broad shoulders were so warm, and she loved the smell of him- like salty ocean air, and something a little citrusy. Then the tingles started again, as Keefe absentmindedly started stroking the back of her hand with his thumb again. Sophie was suddenly very distracted, and didn't even notice when Biana came back into the room.
"You do both realize that everyone's waiting for you downstairs, and-oh! Am I interrupting something?" Biana trailed off, a slight grin on her face.

Sophie's face once again burned nuclear. She leaned over and kissed Keefe on the cheek before saying "Maybe we should go downstairs. Besides, I still owe you an explanation as to why you came here in the first place." Sophie said. "Now, the reason seems so... Unimportant, almost."
"Whatever it is, I'm glad I did come over here. Even if the reason is just to tell us that Edaline made mallowmelt. And then not give us any."

"Oh! That reminds me! Edaline did make mallowmelt, actually!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go downstairs!"

"Uhhhh, Keefe... You do realize that we're at Everglen, not Havenfield right?" Sophie asked, not quite suppressing her giggle.

"Oh," Keefe said, as his face fell.

"But if we go downstairs, and I give everyone an explanation for why they were all summoned here, that's a few minutes less until we can leap back to Havenfield for mallowmelt." Sophie joked.

"Like I said before; what are we waiting for? Let's get downstairs!"
Sophie giggled, and got up off the bed. She made sure Keefe's hand was securely in hers, before pulling him behind her so they could just get there already.

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