Chapter 6

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(A/N: first of all, sorry I wasn't able to post in a while. I'm gonna post a couple chapters in the next couple weeks, but then I'm going away for a bit. I'll probably be gone from about July 1st until August 1st or so. Enjoy these next few chapters!)

Biana POV:

Tam just asked if he and Biana could pick the first movie. She was probably reading way too much into it, but she thought that it might be a good idea. Also because she secretly knew Tam had already watched about half of the Disney movies. She'd accidentally walked into Tam and Linh's room while Tam was in the shower. And she'd heard his concert from all the way across the room, although the bathroom door had been closed. Since then, she had asked Dex to add human features to her Imparter. She had also long since listened to all the songs, and had memorized a lot of them since then. She took Tam's hand again and said "Okay, Tam! Let's go choose a Disney movie."

Tam POV:

Biana pulled Tam to the other side of the room where the DVD case was. Biana had a little trouble with the zipper, and they both ended up blushing madly as they realized how close they had to stand for Tam to be able to help Biana with it. They looked through the case, and eventually Tam said "Y'know what? Let's do Moana." Biana looked at him skeptically.

"Is that the one with the Hawaiian daughter-of-the-chief who goes on an adventure to find the demigod who stole the heart of the goddess Te Fiti?" Biana inquired.

"Yup. That one exactly. But, how do you know about DIsney movies?" Tam asked her.

"Well... I may or may not have been in yours and Linh's room one time while you were showering. I heard you having a Disney concert, and I asked Dex if he could rig my Imparter with something called YouTube. It's basically where you can rent movies, listen to music, and watch and post videos." Biana explained.

She had a sheepish grin on her face, and Tam was just thinking about how adorable she was when she did that. Then it dawned on him. "You heard my concert?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I do love your voice. I was really upset about... something that day, and hearing you sing just... calmed me down. You calmed me down without trying. Without ever knowing. So... Thank you."

"You're welcome. You really like my voice?" he asked.

"Yeah. I love it. It's my favorite sound in the world," Biana whispered breathlessly.

Since when was Biana Vacker breathless for him?


"Tam, I..."

"Biana, you can tell me."

"Tam, I really like you."

"I was figuring out how to tell you, but I really like you too."

Biana looked back into his silver-blue eyes, and then leaned in. Next thing he knew, Biana was kissing him, and playing with his bangs with her hand. It was even better than he would've ever imagined. They broke apart, faces flushed. Tam could've sworn he saw a glint of triumph in her perfect teal eyes, but as soon as he saw it, it was gone. It was instead replaced with a look of extreme happiness and satisfaction. There was also a lot of something else in there. Love.

Biana POV:

So... That just happened. She had just kissed Tam Song! HIs face was now so adorably flushed. She would've teased him about it, had she not realized that she looked the exact same way. But... She'd just kissed Tam Song. What was his excuse? She never thought that in a million years Tam would like her, but apparently... There they were.

She had just kissed Tam Song, and now... Now she was going to do it again. They pulled apart breathlessly. Biana looked up, and started playing with Tam's bangs again. He was so adorably pink. She wanted to stay there forever, but she knew that they should probably get back to Sophie to give her the DVD. Besides, wouldn't everyone be there already? Tam bent down to kiss Biana once more, before they went out to the other side of the room again, thankful that the other area had been blocked off so it couldn't be seen. Biana handed the DVD to Sophie, and whispered to her "thank you". Sophie didn't ask any questions, she just gave her a big, sappy smile back.

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