Chapter 7

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Tam POV:

Sophie gave Tam and Biana a gigantic, sappy smile as Biana handed her the DVD. Tam groaned in his head, and thought about how Linh would react when she heard about this. She'd never let him hear the end of it. How he actually had feelings, and he wasn't just Tam, Salty Bangs Boy, like Keefe said. He brought himself back to reality, and turned to look behind him, where Keefe and Sophie were waiting.

Keefe POV:

"Soooo... Now we're just waiting on Fitz, Linh, Dex, Marella, Wylie, aaaaand..." Keefe trailed off. "Actually, that's it."

Not even a minute later, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Keefe shouted.

He went downstairs for the front door, and when he got downstairs, was met by an excited Linh and Marella at the door. Apparently, from all the girly gushing they were doing, Keefe was able to hear that Marella had been choosing a new eyeliner to bring- to impress Dex, of course- when Linh had come to her house, assuming something like that had been happening. Linh had helped Marella choose a periwinkle tunic- one that "happened" to match Dex's eyes, and whatever eyeliner, then they leapt to Havenfield. Dex and Fitz arrived over the next little while. Wylie wasn't coming, apparently. He said that he'd already watched most of the Disney movies as a kid. When Keefe heard that they'd be watching Moana first, his immediate reaction was to be confused. "What's a Moana?" He asked.

He had watched a couple of the movies before, but only ones like Cinderella and Coco. He'd never watched Moana, however. He was also excited. When everyone settled down, on all the couches, and the popcorn- apparently, humans ate "popcorn", whatever that was, when they watched movies- was made, the movie started. The movie itself was pretty good, and he knew he'd be getting punchlines out of it for weeks, so he continued watching. It got the funniest though, when Tam went to grab a spare showerhead to sing into, and he and Biana sang along to everything. Once the movie was over, Sophie put in a new disk. He could tell right away that it was Coco, and when Un Poco Loco came, you could mostly hear Keefe singing loudly.


Fitz POV:

Apparently, watching Disney movies turned a regular house into a madhouse. People were throwing popcorn at each other, Tam and Biana sang into a spare showerhead, and Keefe took over when it was a movie Tam hadn't watched yet. They finished Moana, Coco, High School Musical, and something called Ratatouille. Then they decided to go to bed. They set up their sleeping bags, and went to sleep. The next morning, when Fitz woke up, and, realizing that everyone was about to start Newsies without him, he got up immediately to get dressed. A few minutes later, he joined everyone else on the other side of the room. Of course, Biana had memorized most of the soundtrack already. Fitz knew that for the next month or so, all he'd be able to hear at home would be Biana singing "I want space, not just air, let 'em laugh in my face, I don't care! Save a place, I'll be there... In Santa Fe..." Or she'd be busy with "Friends of the friendless, seize the day, raise up the torch, and light the way. Proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant, let us seize the day." They finally got to a movie that Fitz kinda knew.

When Frozen started playing, Fitz was already at it, reciting everyone's lines as if they were his own in the movie. Dex and Marella seemed to be the only ones who weren't singing, because they had never watched any of the movies.

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