Chapter 2

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A/N: I wrote most of this story in school during the last few weeks, but I didn't realize I had a Wattpad account until now, so I'm able to post it! In other news, it totally isn't 1am right now while I'm typing this so.... I'll try to update at least once a week, but please don't pressure me into updating, because I have a very busy schedule, and I may just not be able to. Thank you so much for reading my story! This is my first one. Hope you enjoy so far...

I also like ellipsis...

Just a little bit....

Okay, I'm gonna stop now so you can actually read my story :)

Keefe POV:
Keefe walked in the door of Havenfield, looking down to confirm that he did indeed remember to put on his shirt. He got several sappy, all-knowing smiles from Edaline as she welcomed him in, and then went upstairs.

When he reached the 3rd floor, he knocked on Foster's bedroom door. Hearing nothing, he started to walk in, leaning on the doorframe. "Hey. So, what's up?" Keefe asked.
He was confused when his only response was a giggle from Biana, and an extreme blush from Foster. All Keefe could feel when he was hit by Foster's emotions was embarrassment, giddiness, and an adorable, yet small amount of fear. He wasn't really sure why, but he felt like he had a tiny idea of why she might be feeling all of that, but he couldn't think about that right now. Especially because he was probably wrong. And because Foster was a Telepath, and could read his mind if she wanted to. But there was a little spark of hope inside him, slowly taking him over. His brain was soon screaming to him, asking him in his head "Well, what if she does?"

Keefe was barely zoned in, and soon felt himself sitting on something very soft, and very warm. He felt someone's arms wrapped around him, and he realized that his head was resting on someone's shoulder. Someone who, incidentally, smelled very good. Someone who's vanilla scented hair was falling into his face slightly, not that he noticed. Someone who was now pushing his head off of her shoulder to gaze at him with her gold-flecked eyes. Someone who made Keefe blush without even trying, and who always seemed to make him feel better, no matter what had happened. Someone who he cared about very much, and loved with his entire being. Someone who would never love him back. He blushed, realizing who's shoulder he was on, and tried to pull away. He found that he couldn't however, because he really enjoyed Foster's arms around him. Probably way more than he would ever admit to anyone, of course.

Sophie POV:
The feeling of Keefe in her arms made her forget all about any details of the upcoming trip, but honestly, Sophie didn't really care. Sophie put her hand on Keefe's back, and started stroking his back. She whispered into his ear. "Keefe?" Sophie mumbled, quiet enough that only Keefe heard her.
"What's up, Foster?" he replied.

"I- I wanted to talk to you." Sophie said, her voice quavering.
She didn't even notice tears slipping down her cheeks until she felt Keefe's finger gently brushing one away.
"Hey. Hey, it's okay. I've got you Sophie." Keefe said softly.
Sophie noted that he called her by her first name, not just 'Foster', like he usually did. Unfortunately, that only really made her sob harder. She knew that she shouldn't be reading too much into it, but now that he had made that slip, she was curious. Sophie looked up to stare at Keefe's way-too-beautiful eyes, and noticed that Biana had left them alone. Sophie was grateful that she had done this, but got very embarrassed when she suddenly remembered that Keefe could read her emotions. She buried her face in his chest, and stayed there, now wrapped up in Keefe's arms, until she stopped crying. She looked up at him, and he flashed her a grin that was both breathtaking and heartbreakin, but still didn't reach his eyes, like it usually did.

Keefe POV:
Keefe looked down at Foster's face, and seeing how sad and broken she looked hurt him. He brought his hand to Foster's face, and started gently grazing her jawline with his thumb. He needed to do all he could so that the beautiful girl in his arms wouldn't feel this way. Keefe suddenly had an idea. He sent cool, blue breezes into Foster's mind, and soon, she was calmer. She looked at him, still looking kinda broken, so he said "You're okay, Fost- Sophie."
Keefe felt kind of weird calling her by her last name in such a private moment, so he switched it at the last second.

Sophie POV:
Keefe sat there, comforting Sophie, for what felt like hours. She did feel way calmer, after a shorter amount of time than it would've taken, had anyone else been comforting her. Again, she took notice of the fact that Keefe had called her 'Sophie', not the usual 'Foster'. Sophie decided to stay caught up in the moment, not that it was a moment or anything- or... Was it? She locked her gaze onto his eyes, and took a deep breath. As she let it out, she said "Keefe, I need to tell you something."

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