Chapter 5

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Keefe POV:
3 days after Foster broke the news of the vacation to them- Keefe was already packed, except for his hair products, of course- and then Foster called a sleepover at Havenfield. She had told everyone that she needed to show them something critical to their trip to Disney World.

Naturally, Keefe made it his duty to get there first, considering he was her boyfriend- and they were making that official tonight. He finished packing his small overnight bag, and leapt to Havenfield. He was let in, and immediately felt a hand pulling him towards the living room. He was told to sit, and once Keefe became aware of his surroundings, he realized that Grady had pulled him there. He obviously wanted to talk to him about his relationship with Sophie. Grady sighed, then started the conversation. "So... Keefe... How are you today?"

"I'm fine, thanks. You?"

"I'm good also, thank you. Look, we need to talk."

"About what?" Keefe asked, although the look on Grady's face told him all he needed to know.

"Sophie. I need to make sure that whoever Sophie is with, makes sure she's always safe. Always in good hands."

"You haven't seen over the last 2 years that I've been doing everything for Sophie, always thinking of Sophie, and putting Sophie's best interests at heart?" Keefe paused. "Sorry, that may have come out sounding a little rude. I just really want to prove my point."
Suddenly, Edaline walked into the room.
"Grady! What did I tell you? Sophie is in great hands with Keefe, and you know it!"

"Yes, but I also told Sophie long ago that whenever she starts to narrow down her options, I'd be having a looooooooooooooong conversation with him. I'm just keeping my word."

"Grady," Edaline said sternly.

"Okay, okay," Grady said. "Keefe, you may go. Sophie's waiting... er... for you... in her room."

Keefe practically flew upstairs. He was overjoyed to see Foster, although he had just seen her not even 3 hours before at Foxfire. He also really wanted to know what the big surprise was. When he got up to the 3rd floor, he walked over to Foster's bedroom door as he fixed his hair. He knocked on the door. "Hey, it's me. Are you in there? Can I come in?"

"Yes!" Sophie opened the door and practically flung herself at Keefe. Not so soon after, he felt her kissing him.

Sophie POV:
Keefe came into the door of Sophie's bedroom. She jumped up, and almost flung herself at him. She made the decision, and before she could doubt herself, she kissed Keefe. She was suddenly even more ecstatic than she had been before. Too soon again, Keefe pulled away. Sophie went tomato red when she saw how happy she had just made him. He now mirrored her blush, as he gave her his adorable lopsided grin, paired with his twinkling ice blue eyes. Sophie, unfortunately, had to pull herself away from Keefe when she heard a knock at the front door. She went downstairs to see Biana and Tam standing outside. SHe was slightly curious, so she asked them where Fitz and Linh were. Biana told Sophie that Fitz was finishing doing his hair, and Tam proceeded to explain how Linh couldn't decide on a tunic to pack for the next day. Sophie grinned. She knew they were lying, of course. Fitz had done his hair directly after she had hailed him, and Linh always had a bag packed "in case of an emergency sleepover", she had said. And yet, for some reason, Tam and Biana were so oblivious to the fact that their siblings just wanted the 2 of them to be alone. Was this how everyone else had seen her when she was still oblivious to her feelings about Keefe and whatnot?

Tam POV:
He knew he shouldn't be reading into this. But he couldn't help but wonder... Why was she doing this? And since when was his heart the type to go all fluttery, and stomach to do backflips? Nor was he at all the type to be blushing as hard as he was, and yet... He was... He finally admitted to himself... He was in love with a certain brown haired girl, with perfect teal eyes. He despised Vespera for what she had done to her, and felt the growing need to get back at her. To give her the same scars she had given to Biana. He locked in on her gaze, and they stood there, staring into each other's eyes, until Sophie finally opened the door. Tam realized that how they were standing was probably awkward for Biana, but also that she hadn't pushed him away yet. Biana must've noticed how his heart was suddenly so fast, so she dropped her gaze. Tam didn't want her to stop though, so he reached down and grabbed her hand as they walked inside. Tam noticed that Sophie had gotten a gigantic TV in the living room, and next to it was a soft, black, zippered case of some sort. He opened it, and saw dozens upon dozens of silver disks, all saying different things. Some of them said stuff like "Peter Pan", or "Cinderella", while others said "Frozen", and "High School Musical".

To be honest, under all his emo-angry-moody-salty shell, Tam was actually a gigantic softie. He also loved to sing, so his face lit up when he saw that there were 3 different High School Musical movies. He had already watched a few Disney movies, but he'd never admit that to anyone. That is, until he started singing along to songs like "Make A Man Outta You" from Mulan, or "Be Prepared" from the Lion King. He was probably one of the biggest Disney nerds in all of the Lost Cities, besides Sophie, of course. Not that he'd ever tell anyone that either... He turned to Sophie, and asked her "Can me and Biana choose the first movie?"

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