*The birth of Naruto. Theory Part 1.

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*Remember that it is entertainment. The characters are not faithful to mythological tales or anime. Finally, subscribe and have a good time XD.

/World S005 Shinobi World/

This world is similar to the original, two babies were born that day. Naruto was the son of two ordinary civilians and Mito Namikaze Uzumaki was the newborn daughter of Kushina and Minato.

In this story, the Grim Reaper would not take Minato's soul, as he would claim his soul when he is old or dies in battle.

Kushina is really happy, she was able to survive and could fulfill her dream of having a family.

Days after the tragic Kyubi attack, a council meeting was held.


Shit, shit what can I do. They were Minato's thoughts. He already knew that the old men on the council wanted his daughter as a weapon. He wouldn't allow that. His eyes became serious, because he had made a decision.

I don't like this, but I can't find any other way to solve this.. Ambu, was what Minato said and in a second 3 ambus appeared out of nowhere.

I want you to bring me a complete list of newborn babies who have lost their parents. Making a slight bow, the ambus disappeared to fulfill their mission. I hope I'm doing the right thing. The latter was said in a whisper by Minato.

Within an hour the report arrived. And he began to review it. Well I just have to find a baby that has some similarity to me or Kushina. Then his gaze fell on a baby with red hair. Perfect, this will work for me.

I'm sorry little one, I'll make your life miserable, but I need time to take control of Konoha and get rid of the civilian council.. So wait for me, when you grow up I will grant you any request you have. Then she looked sadly at the child, for he would put a very hard burden on a child.

He then used a Hiraishin and went to look for the baby, then he went to look for his wife so she would know the decision he made.

Kushina hearing Minato's plan couldn't help but get angry. Why would you do such a crazy thing! Kushina shouted. This child has already lost his parents. We can't do this. This is wrong. Several tears fell from Kushina's eyes. This child, even though he's not my son, I can't help but feel like I have a connection with him. She fixed her gaze on the boy's face and could only cry. He really seemed to be her son.

Sorry, but we do it to protect Mito. It was the thoughts of Minato and a sad Kushina.


Hello Hokage-sama, I need to know what happened to the kyubi.. Those were Mitokado's words.

Our weapon must be at our mercy, as it is a symbol of Konoha's power. Tell us Minato-San what happened to the Nine-Tailed Fox?. This was said by Councilor Koharu Utatane.

Minato gave a long sigh and told part of the truth.

I suggest that the kyubi container be given to me and turned into a weapon loyal to Konoha.Danzo said calmly, but deep inside he wanted to possess a weapon with enough power to dominate Konoha and the entire world in the future.

That's out of the question Danzo, the container of the kyubi is one of my children. His name is Naruto Uzumaki, as he inherited strong Uzumaki genes.His gaze hardened. And if I find out that they have done something behind my back, they will be considered TRAITORS!!! He said the last thing in a shout.

There were several complaints, especially from the civil councilors, because because of the kyubi demon many areas of their properties were destroyed, and several lost their families.

Minato disappeared in a yellow flash and appeared with his wife Kushina and two newborn babies. My daughter is Mito, her name is in honor of the wife of the first Hokage and this here is Naruto. For my daughter's safety, Naruto will be sent to the orphanage. When the time is right I will claim him as my son.

Minato spoke: Ambus, take my son and make sure he arrives safely at the orphanage. The Ambus nodded. But Kushina didn't want to give him up, her eyes wouldn't stop crying. Please Minato must see another way. These were Kushina's pleas, as she felt she had to take care of this baby....

Behave like the clan leader you are. Danzo said seriously. He thought it was pathetic to make a fuss about abandoning a child.

Kushina still in tears spoke to her husband: Please Minato, someone stop this, can't you see it's wrong. Nobody did anything, one of those affected was the leader of the Inuzuka clan. For her, abandoning a puppy was unforgivable, but she could do nothing, since it was just her and Kushina against everyone.

Forgive me little Naru, from today you will suffer, I know you will be strong, you will be the strongest of all, sleep well and eat well, make friends, friends who are with you, no matter if they are few and lastly remember that I love you with all my heart.

She was in tears. The ambus didn't care and took the baby away from her. Kushina collapsed on the ground and kept crying. She looked up and as best she could she looked at the child and when the baby opened his eyes she could see a violet grey eye that said to her without words. I forgive you. She gave him a faint smile.

I will get you back, were Kushina's last thoughts as she decided to leave the place.

Kushina was jumping from rooftop to rooftop and said: I curse you Minato, I curse the idiots of the council, I curse my own weakness. Her eyes were still showing as several tears came out and they didn't seem to stop. Don't worry Naruto, if I can't take care of you, I'll find a way to help you, to make you strong. Minato and the others will pay for what they have done. She thought that last bitterly to the idiots who didn't help her, including Minato himself.

Upon arriving at the house, he began to make copies of various scrolls from all areas for a ninja, and he also focused on studies that would help in chakra control, as well as techniques to expand the chakra. With all the scrolls copied and stored in a storage seal, he set out to save all the originals and leave no evidence of what he did.

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