*The ice queens. Theory Part 3.

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My whole body ached. It was not the first time I experienced pain, but it was unbearable. When I opened my eyes, I could see 3 pretty girls older than me, arguing. When one of them realized I was awake, she shushed her friends and their gazes. They turned to me.

Hello brat said a happy girl with purple hair and brown eyes.

I smiled as best I could and without meaning to said: How beautiful. Then my head processed what I said and I blushed. So I hung my head in shame and fear in case they hit me.

Hey little one, look up. I listened to the voice and now saw a girl with violet hair and brown eyes. I accidentally said Beautiful again, but this time I didn't look away.

Take your perverted look away from my friends. That serious voice disconcerted me and made me a little scared. So I lowered my gaze. Sorry. It was what I whispered, although loud enough for them to hear me.

Tell me little boy, what is your name? That's what the same black-haired girl with red eyes said.

My name is Naruto. I answered with some fear. Because her serious look was very intimidating.

Anko intervened: that's enough Kurenai-chan. You look scared so stop bullying that cute little brat.

Hmp was the only thing heard from the girl named Kurenai as she had her arms crossed.

Hey Naruto, tell me why the villagers were attacking you and by the way my name is Yugao Uzuki? I ask with a kind voice.

I don't know. I looked down with small tears. I was calmly looking for a shelter to spend the night, until all of a sudden they cornered me and started attacking me. I called for help, but no one helped me.

When I finished telling my story, the three girls covered their mouths from shock, because they didn't believe it, but they themselves saw how the boy was beaten. So they took him out of there, they tried to take them to the hospitals, but no one would take care of them.

With nothing else to do, they went to a forest and took refuge to treat the little boy's wounds. They did not return home because they realized that there were ambus looking for a child with Naruto's characteristics.

Surprisingly, Kurenai was the one who approached the boy first and hugged him. Naruto let his tears flow. As he hugged a kurenai who had a sad countenance.

Anko then asked: Tell me brat, do you have a place to call home?

Naruto just denies and answers: I don't have anything, and seeing how I was treated at the orphanage and the people on the street, I can conclude that there is something wrong with me. So I doubt I will find a home.

The three looked at each other and knew why, because in front of them was the kyubi's container.

Then Yugao asked: Tell me little Naru, what are your goals in life? What is your dream.

Naruto without hesitation answered: To be the strongest. To make a fool of the greatest shinobi in history. I will learn their techniques and no matter how much I sweat and bleed, I will surpass them. He said with a determined look that surprised the girls. And unbeknownst to Naruto it made her new friends blush a little.

WE WILL TRAIN YOU ¡¡¡¡. We will be with you and accompany you on your way to be the strongest. This was shouted by a smiling and eager Anko and her two friends nodded in approval.

Thank you Anko-chan Yugao-chan and Kurenai-chan. She said it while smiling and that smile was returned by her friends and a slight blush could be seen on her cheeks.

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