* The last beast and the new wise man of the 6 paths. Theory part 9

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A month of celebrations passed. For the first of the Tsugikuni clan were born. Korra Tsugikuni and Zuko Tsugikuni. The man being the son of Hana and the woman the son of Tsume. Another celebration would be coming soon, as Naruto was 14 years old and in a few months he would be 15.

Naruto now had more motivation to be even stronger, he would not only protect his loved ones. He now had a family to protect. Both in the real world and in his mind he worked together with the biju to master his kekkei genkai that was bestowed upon him by the biju. After 3 months, he planned to meet Kushina....


Kushina left a clone of her and Mito. So that Minato wouldn't suspect they were dating. Meanwhile mother and daughter were going to the Inuzuka compound. Her daughter felt the need to ask.

Mother because we ran away and left some clones at Otōsan's house.

Kushina looked at her daughter: Listen to me Mito, there are many things you should know. You know the burdens you carry inside you, but you didn't suffer the same as the rest of the jinchuriki, tell me, do you know why that happened?

Mito nods and answers: It's because the village respects Otōsan and they are grateful for saving the village from the kyubi attack.

Kushina denies and replies: That's a lie Mito. Your father and everyone lied to you, I played along because they threatened to hurt you.

That answer left Mito static.... You're lying mother !!!!, if that were true. Otōsan would defend us from any danger....

Kushina clenched her hands and replied : Believe me my child, I'm telling you the truth. THOSE BASTARDS ARE CRUEL and if you go against them it will go badly for you. That's why I have continued to train and I have trained you. To be so strong that no one can stop us.

Her daughter, still in denial, answers her: I don't believe you, if it's all a lie. Then tell me mother. Because no one mistreated me, because no one was mean to me, because I had a happy life.

She was confused, she did not know what to believe. She was about to turn back and demand an answer from her father. When she turned around to run she bumped into someone....

Ouch ouch. Sorry I didn't realize. When she looked up she saw a handsome redhead. His cheeks got hot and he started to stutter. Then she saw how her mother was standing next to that handsome man and her mind clicked..... ...

You... you... you, maybe you are Okasan's long lost twin brother? .... That answer brought a bead of anime-style sweat to the two redheads....

COF cof. I introduce myself, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, though you'll soon know me as Yorīchi Tsugikuni.... He extends his hand and Mito reflexively grabs it, feeling his warm hand, she couldn't help but blush again....

I..I am Mi.mi.mito Namikaze Uzumaki, nice to meet you Naruto-San. Were the shy words of a blushing Mito....

Naruto with his charming smile replies: You look adorable Mito-chan.... Mito for his part couldn't stand it and fainted....

COF COF COF leaving aside the fact that you flirt with my daughter in front of me...... She made a serious face, but then tears came to her eyes.... I MISSED YOU SO MUCH BAKAAAAAA! She threw herself in a tight hug and then kissed him, he simply reciprocated the kiss, because he missed Kushina too.......

After a while the three of them headed to the Inuzuka compound. Mito was asleep in Naruto's arms. On one side, a jealous Kushina who also wanted to be held and on the other side a comfortable Mito who was sleeping peacefully.

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