* Back home and a pleasant surprise. Theory part 8

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4 silhouettes were seen being half an hour away from reaching Konoha. You could see a white-haired man with 3 beautiful women. Two blondes and one redhead. The first to speak was Yugito Nii.

Hey Naruto, can you tell me how you managed to convince the Raikage to let us go.The other two women nod because they also wanted to know...

Naruto chuckles and turns to look at them. It's kind of funny, but he doesn't see a problem telling you what happened.


An upset Raikage was seen in his office and in front of him was the boy who defeated him....

His patience ran out and he destroyed his desk in one fell swoop... Get rid of that smile, you bastard. DON'T BELIEVE IT'S A BIG DEAL JUST TO BEAT ME...

Hehehe it's okay Kage-san. I'm here to make sure the deal is fulfilled, plus I love these girls...Naruto pointed his finger, implying that he wanted Samui, Yugito and Karui... Both Yugito and Karui were embarrassed because their kage was staring at them.... The only calm one was Samui.

The Kage crossed his arm and firmly rejected the offer, then he looked at the 3 kunoichis and spoke: You can leave, this matter is not your concern.

HAI RAIKAGE-SAMA. Without saying more they left.

Well Raikage, I know you like bloodlines or kekkei genkai, if you accept my offer I will offer you 10 users with bloodlines...

The Kage was a little impressed, but he wasn't going to give in so easily... With a demanding voice he demanded to be shown what the bloodline is all about....

Hehehe calm down Kage-san. Then he approached the window and raised his hand in the direction of the sky. Jutsu Katon Dragon Breath. A large burst of blue fire occurred and reached the skies, this was observed by both the Raikage and everyone in the village....

I have the ability to bestow this bloodline. Although the power and how they use it will depend on each individual and the effort they put into mastering the blue fire....

The Kage touched his forehead in meditation and finally accepted his offer.

After that he called only 10 jonin and granted them blue fire. And the lightning techniques as well as the 3 Kunoichi were given to Naruto.


The three Kunoichi were somewhat surprised.

Yugito spoke with a pout: It's not fair Naru, I thought I would be the only one besides you, who would have the blue fire element.

Naruto approached her and whispered in her ear: And you're absolutely right, you're the only one with the possibility of catching up and surpassing me. Those 10 ninjas will only be able to do the basics, they will never have the full power of the blue flames.

That calmed Yugito and the 4 continued their way to Konoha .... Being at the gates of Konoha, Naruto grabbed the 3 Kunoichi by the waist and without warning they teleported to the main mansion of Inuzuka....

Not even 2 seconds passed and they were already surrounded by 16 Inuzuka ninja....

Naruto removed his Henge Jutsu and relieved himself to a red head and everyone recognized him and knelt down.

Kunoichi x: We're sorry Lord Naruto, we didn't know it was you.

Naruto raised his hand for them to calm down: calm down and I'm glad to know that you are keeping an eye out for intruders. Can you tell me where Hana and Tsume.... are.

Kunouchi x: Follow me Naruto-sama. Believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised.

They continued like this until they reached the rest rooms. The Kunoichi left and Naruto approached the door. TOC TOC TOC, Hana-chan. Tsume-chan are inside.......

There was a minute of silence, until he received a pass to enter. The 4 of them entered and the sight that Naruto encountered shocked him....

He saw a happy Tsume and Hana, but what took his breath away was to see a pair of red-haired babies, just by looking at them he could tell that one was a boy and the other a girl....

Without realizing it a couple of tears escaped him and with slow steps he approached his children. They were her children, her legacies. She grabbed them gently and hugged them...her tears came out, but the smile she had didn't disappear....

She looked at Tsume and Hana and spoke to them warmly: Thank you.

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