* The new wise man of the 6 path. Theory part 7

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Naruto was about to finish his hunt. Now he only needed to obtain the power of Hachibi. He was in the land of lightning, in the outskirts, on an island. Curiously he watched his victim rapping.

Naruto lands a few inches away, making his presence known.

♪♪♪♪♪hello intruder do you want to listen to my rap that will make you amazed yeihhhh♪♪♪♪♪♪♪. SILENCE BEE. You'd better run away. It was the warning of his friend Hachibi.

Hachibi in his mind was telling him: This guy is dangerous. He detects a chakra level as high as a biju. But he hides something else.

Bee ignoring his warning goes on with his rap:♪♪♪♪ YEY YEY YEY. Hey white-haired guy, I heard about you. A threat I don't see anywhere♪♪♪♪♪♪.

Naruto raised his hand: iron coffin.

Out of nowhere an iron sand wrapped around Bee. Imprisoning him, but......

Gruaaarrrr Me and my friend will destroy you and with a Lariat we will decapitate you yeeeaeaaahhhh ♪♪♪♪♪.

In his 4-tailed hood biju mode. He launched himself at Naruto. But just before the blow, an iron sand shield was created.

Wow, you surprised yourself, Hachibi jinchuriki.... Naruto inhaled and spat out a large amount of lava, which burned Bee, who didn't expect that lava attack....

Aaaaahhhhhhrrrr it hurts, it hurts. Aaaaarrrhhhhhh Come on Hachibi, let's show him everything we can do...!

There was a smokescreen and the Hachibi was observed in his full form.......

Naruto didn't flinch, as it's not the first time he's seen a full biju....

Bee, more confident, raps again: ♪♪♪♪ oooo yessss. This time your end is near. One simple move and you'll swallow dirt yeaaahhh. ♪♪♪

Naruto started to get a vein on his forehead: Well I've put up with a lot already, I never thought I'd meet someone so annoying...I won't put up with your rapping anymore!!!!!.

Naruto made several poses with his hands. He inhaled a large amount of air. Katon Gouka Mekkyaku. A huge fire came out of Naruto, but it was blue....

Water Wall Jutsu. The Hachibi created a large wall of water for protection, but it was of little use. The fire alone on contact evaporated the water and the fire impacted against the Hachibi....

Aaaggrrrrrrr BASTARDOOOO!!!!!......

Naruto again made poses with his hands and they were filled with lightning bolts..... Big lightning javelin.... When he finished saying his technique, a giant lightning javelin formed and without hesitation he threw it at the Hachibi......

One explosion later and Killer Bee was found all charred and unconscious on the ground.... You were confident just because you were the host of the 8-tailed biju and that's why you lost. His look reflected disappointment, because he was expecting a more exciting fight.

Naruto approached with slow steps. He cut his finger and began to draw a seal on Bee's stomach.

A chain of red chakra appeared from Naruto's back and in a single motion pierced Killer Bee. He began to feel the power of the Hachibi and although the biju resisted in the end he began to absorb it slowly. After 15 minutes he was at 99% and stopped. He didn't want to kill it...

He started to retreat. But he received a blow from the Raikage himself... Sending him crashing down...

Bee Bee. Beeeeeeee answer me, stupid brother. I warned you to stay in the village..... were the angry shouts of a worried and angry Raikage....

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