*One more reason to be the strongest. Theory Part 4.

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In the present we see a rather muscular 13-year-old redhead doing sit-ups in the water of a waterfall. He trained his chakra control to stick to all the water so that gravity wouldn't take him downstream, so he also trained his body with gravity seals.

After 2 hours of different exercises he was taking a nice shower in the river. When his nose caught a scent and he sketched a faint smile.

Without even turning around he spoke: wow, I didn't think my little wolf was a pervert.

A female voice was heard mumbling inaudible words.

Hahahaha calm down and tell me my beautiful Hana-chan what brings you to my territories.

She replied in a somewhat flirtatious voice: ara ara, my little red-headed boy, I see you've become a bit bold. I think Naru-kun needs a punishment.

Naruto smiled a little and played along: Well my beautiful she-wolf, punish me now.

He comes out of the river and shamelessly walks naked towards Hana. Who started to turn red because of how sexy and strong Naruto is. Looks like my she-wolf is in the mood to eat me. Naruto says sensually, as he gets close to her ear and gives her a little blow.

This had the expected reaction, as Hana's legs were trembling and Naruto took the opportunity to approach and hug her from the front. Tell me my sexy wolf what your alpha should do in this situation.

Hana swallowed saliva, her little game had come back against her and now she could feel all of Naruto's naked body. As well as she could also feel his manhood rubbing against her thighs. And she was starting to get aroused.

Without waiting any longer she let her instincts act and rushed towards Naruto making them fall to the ground and kissed him. That from a shy kiss turned into a lust filled one and out of instinct she began to rub her hips on the bulge she felt.

One thing led to another and now they were naked as Hana was breathing heavily and Naruto had a smirk on his face.

THAT WAS AMAZING. Those were Hana's sincere words. When she caught her breath she clung to Naruto in a tight embrace and they fell asleep. The next morning came and the last one to wake up was Hana.

Hello my beautiful she-wolf, here I brought you your breakfast. Thank you Naru-kun was Hana's grateful reply, for her beloved was very considerate.

After breakfast there was a silence that was interrupted by Hana.

Tell me Naruto now what are we. Were the words of a serious Hana. I gave you my first time. Now I give you not only my body but also my heart that's why I want to know what I am for you.

Naruto answers her without hesitation: You are special to me. But you have known me for 5 years. I have several ambitions that I want to fulfill and one of them is to have a clan and for that I need several women.

Hana nods, although she became sad. So I'm just one of the many women you want in your bed. She looked like she was about to cry.

Don't worry my princess, I would never play with your heart. I will only love women who are worthy of my love. And believe me, among all of them, you will be the one I love the most. After all you helped me out of my own darkness.

Naruto affectionately replies: And that is why I love you and will always love you.

Hana's heart was pounding and without hesitation she went to kiss the Baka who stole her heart.

I loveyou. Those were the words of the two and then they had another passionate moment.

After a few hours Hana said goodbye, as she had to tell her mother about their relationship.

Naruto got ready to continue training. He did a series of hand positions and then added chakra to his hand seal and a scroll appeared.

Naruto spoke with excitement: I already mastered each of the scrolls, I just need to handle better the Hiraishin of the second Hokage, as well as expand my chakra spirals. But now I will study a couple of A-ranked elemental Jutsu.

In a hidden area, Naruto was sweating profusely and was panting. One of the tips to expand your chakra coils was to use chakra to the extreme until it was exhausted.

Wow, you have destroyed this area, I find your level of Fuinjutsu impressive, which serves as a barrier to prevent the damage from spreading throughout the forest.. Those were Hana's words.

Naruto, somewhat tired from training, responds: My beautiful wolf, I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow.

Naruto saw how his partner's face changed to an angry and sad one.

Naruto without thinking approached him and gave him a hug. Not a second passed when small sobs began to be heard from the young Inuzuka.

Naruto speaks to her with concern: tell me love that has you so upset.

She hesitates for a moment, but upon seeing her boyfriend's pleading and worried eyes, she answers: Mom is happy about my relationship, but the news spread and now the elders of my clan want me to be engaged to one of their children.

I don't want to be separated from you. She began to cry harder. I love you and if I am separated from you, I don't know what I would do with my life.

Seeing her cry hurt Naruto, he promised to make all the bastards who made his beloved cry pay, but first he had to calm his partner down.

Hana couldn't say anymore, because Naruto was kissing him. While he was wiping her tears with his hand.

Naruto breaks away from the embrace and tells her: I won't let them take you away from my side. You are mine Hana Inuzuka and I will not let them take you away from my life. I will fight for you.

Look me in the eyes, tell me do you trust me?. She sketched a beautiful smile and answered: I trust you more than anyone else in the world.

With that, they prepared to go to sleep and Hana slept peacefully in her lover's arms. She was now sure that she wanted to build a life with Naruto. She only had one fear and that was that someone would snatch him from her life, but she would fight with everything to make sure that didn't happen and that Naruto would always be with her.

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